As the magazine goes to press, the gentlemen are preparing, no doubt, for their night out at 8848. Meanwhile the ladies had a very enjoyable evening at No.10 on 28th September, with excellent food and good conversation! Thanks to all who had a hand in organising this.
All Saints Holiday Club
After a very successful week of All Saints Holiday Club in October, it was decided we would try a couple of sessions on Sunday afternoons. The first was held on 21st May at St James’s when we talked about Ascension and Pentecost. We sang songs, heard stories and did some craft. Sessions are for Nursery age up to Primary 7.
Our next All Saints was on 18th June from 3.30-5pm at St James’s, and the theme was Abraham and Sarah.
For more information please speak to Revd Ruth Green, Revd Roger Dyer or Revd Dr Jenny Holden.
Gillian Rose
Social Events
One busy weekend in June saw a Silent Auction with Cheese & Wine on Friday, and a bring and buy baking sale on Sunday. Including sales of the leftover cheese and wine on Sunday, we made a fine total of £469! Thanks to everyone who helped, donated, attended, ate and drank!
Curry Night
The Curry Night in March was a great success, and the choir vestry was vibrant with spicy smells as a good crowd tucked into curries made by the Rector, Iain Stewart and Davy Irvine, along with all kinds of side dishes and garnishes. A wonderful time was had by all!
Jacket Potato, anyone?
The back of the church was full to bursting by 3 December – full of coats, jackets, hats, scarves and gloves, all donated by the people of Aberdeen and sorted and arranged by the people of St. Mary’s. By ten that morning, when the doors were due to open, people had been waiting outside for over half an hour in the cold. They flooded in!
Equipped with their new winter weather gear, our visitors made their way into the choir vestry for tea, coffee and hot baked potatoes – standing room only for a while!
The event was planned to last till three o’clock, but in fact by half past twelve there was not a coat or a glove left to be had, and we had to close up. There was no doubt that the event was much appreciated by our visitors, many of whom stopped for a chat before venturing back out into the cold!