The Fenwick Weavers’ Society, in Ayrshire, is considered to be the earliest known co-operative in the world for which full records exist. The foundation charter, now in the National Library of Scotland, is dated 14 March 1761. The first modern-style co-operative was founded by millworkers in the north of England in 1844, and since then the movement has grown so that now there are over 3 million co-operatives, of different kinds and for different purposes, in the world. In Aberdeen for many years we had the forward-thinking Norco with its headquarters at Berryden and its branches across the city, including the flagship store in George Street.
‘The United Nations General Assembly has recently adopted a resolution declaring 2025 as the International Year of Co-operatives. This resolution highlights the pivotal role of co-operatives in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and advancing global social and economic development.
‘The resolution urges member states and stakeholders to utilise 2025 as an opportunity to raise awareness about the contributions of co-operatives. It emphasises their impact on various development areas, including decent employment, poverty eradication, education, social protection, financial inclusion, and the creation of affordable housing. In addition, member states are encouraged to review and enhance existing legislation to create a supportive environment for co-operative growth. This includes addressing key factors such as access to capital, autonomy, competitiveness, and fair taxation.’
Where two or three are gathered together … !