As this year’s Season of Creation draws to a close with our Harvest Festival, we reflect on all we have seen and heard in these last few weeks of God’s Creation and our responsibilities in it, tending and caring for all God has been good enough to grant us.
During this season, we’ve been blessed with a series of ordinations with connexions to St. Mary’s. Godwin Chimara and Ferdinand von Pronzynski, by the time you read this, will have been ordained to the priesthood – Godwin at St. James’ on 30th September, and Ferdinand at St. Thomas’ Aboyne on 3rd October. Maureen Farquhar Mackenzie (pictured below at Godwin’s ordination), who was a regular attender at our Sunday Breakfasts during lockdown, was ordained deacon on 14th September at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Inverness, and on 21st September Helen Randell, who will serve her curacy in Shetland, was ordained deacon in St. Mary’s in our role as pro-cathedral.

This is not so much a harvest, though it looks a rich one – it is more like seedlings being transplanted, from a nice warm seed tray into a larger pot, or from the pot into the earth under the open sky. Their story is not over. As with plants, there will have been plenty of careful preparation before each move, the earth worked and weeded, the plants watered and fed, but in the end we humans have no idea how such planting is going to work out. God’s oversight is always required to bring everything to fruition. Rev. Roger reminded us in his sermon a couple of weeks ago of the moment when Mary Magdalene encountered Jesus near the tomb after He had risen from the dead – she mistook Him for the gardener. But is that such a mistake? Without the gardener, all our harvests, plants or humans or anything else, comes to nothing. Let us give thanks this Harvest for all His works!