We are grateful to Dr Robert Heimburger. Research Fellow in Theological Ethics, University of Aberdeen, for his thought-provoking contribution to our evening ‘Migrants : Blessing or Burden’ that was held at St Marys on 3rd October.
Lively conversation was had as we looked initially at the experience of migration in our own family histories and lives. Then broadening out we considered the current trends in our city and nation – the movement of people in and out; the feelings that this generated.
It was a joy to have people present from at least six different churches many of whom were engaged in work amongst international students, refugees or multicultural congregations. We talked about the guiding principles and key values that informed our actions.
Dr Heimburger led us through a number of key Bible texts in asserting that ‘God loves migrants’ and furthermore that God calls us to do likewise. The challenge came that love of the stranger was not an extra or an option but something that was an integral part of God’s being and a hallmark of those who sought to follow Jesus Christ.