1 John 4:9 “We love because he first loved us.”
I totally adore the Icon print of ‘Mother of Tenderness’ by Kelly Dillard. What draws me into the loving relationship is the mutual gazing taking place between Mary and Jesus – personally, I would describe this as loving adoration, mother for child and child for mother and for all who gaze upon them in the present and the future.
The Christmas Story is overseen by the Trinity when they, in the beginning, formed creation. Can you imagine holding such an important part of the evolving puzzle of God’s Kingdom in your heart and mindset for so long? Do you think it was the perfect blueprint and that they never revisited it or altered their original plan for their Kingdom here on earth?
Personally, I like to think Jesus’ birth was the original plan. How else would there be so many written or verbal connections and references in the Bible, for example, Jesus’ family genealogy, and another one I connected with recently: 1 John 4:17 “because in the world we are like him”.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. Remember we don’t have to fear as the world fears but fear in reverence to God, and as He is our Heavenly Father, He will embrace us and calm any internal storms just as He did with Joseph and Mary’s family. We are taught reverence twofold: i) the way the Shepherds and Wise Men bowed in adoration and reverence to the baby Jesus; ii) the way that throughout Jesus’ life he lived and acted out of adoration and reverence to his Heavenly Father and I dare say to his earthly mother, father, siblings, disciples, in fact all he met and encountered right up to his death. Jesus’ birth and life story continue to show us the way to live and act today.
God, through Moses, parted the sea to rescue the people and bring them out of the land of slavery and fear they were existing in (Exodus 14:19-31). I believe God can and does still part whatever ‘sea’ we find ourselves in. Remember you don’t have to wait for this Christmas to feel loved and adored because God loves always and through Jesus’ birth and life there is a mirror image towards a calmer and more beneficial life for everyone.
1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love” God sent His Son “perfect love”, this little adored baby showing how much God loves because that loved baby Jesus was conceived, born and lived as a sacrifice for me/us. God has certainly gifted us a heavenly pathway to a Love that will never die. ‘How deep the Father’s love for us, how vast beyond all measure, that He should give His only Son to make a wretch His treasure.” (Stuart Townend). I can never imagine how Jesus could carry such a realisation that his life was going to be cruelly ended – perhaps it was knowing this was not the end but the beginning of ‘something’ new, the holding of that Wisdom and not fear.
1 John 4:16-17: “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God and God in him. In this way love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgement, because in the world we are like him.”
Perfect love drives out all fear – fear aligned to respect and a healthy reverence to God
Begin each day in the knowledge that God’s perfect love is freely given for this day (today), yes it was there yesterday, and it will be there tomorrow – an absolute guarantee. Maybe this will help reassure people they are not alone and hopefully reduce fear.
To feel love is special but to feel adored is even more heart opening and warming. All who visited Jesus following his birth ‘adored’ Him. ‘O Come let us Adore Him’. Adore is not a word used very often nowadays – maybe it should be!
My Granddaughter and I were having a fun clay afternoon and she made a plaque of a dog, I would call it ‘adorable’, Georgia has yet to name it. Be mindful because Love and Adore are all around us daily, keep an open heart and mind this Christmas season.
Christmas Blessings
Margaret McKinnon