I wonder how Lent has been for you this year?
This year I’ve followed daily readings and reflections in the ‘Through Lent with Pope Francis’ book. This book features passages from scripture in both New International Version (NIV) and New Catholic Bible (NCB) translations. I’m not familiar with the NCB translation and although it only has some minor differences with the NIV translation, taking the time and concentration to read and reflect on passages in this translation has felt like an awakening. The book also features artwork I’ve not encountered before and it has been a treat to take the time to appreciate these.
I have written in previous editions of this magazine about hope and anticipation. You may recall my wondering as to whether my Amaryllis bulbs would open in time for Christmas. The good news is that the bulbs did open in time and from each of the bulbs I had two very tall stems and three beautiful flowering heads on each stem.
I also have another Amaryllis bulb which has only now started to flower during Lent. I wonder if it was caught sleeping, but whatever the reason, it has eventually started to respond after the investment I made to care for and nourish the bulb. As you can see below, the stems have very little height but there are three heads opening up.
This reminds me of the following passage:
Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter. “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
(Matthew 26: 40-41 NIV)
Even after Jesus caught His disciples sleeping when they should have been praying and keeping watch, Jesus never gave up on them. Jesus was subsequently able to restore, equip and enable His disciples which allowed them to find their way and blossom later in life.
I recently went on a ceramic painting afternoon with some members of my family. It was a wonderful afternoon where there was such pure free flowing creativity taking place in a very peaceful atmosphere. I would highly recommend this activity to anyone wanting to give it a try. These are our finished creations and we are looking forward to seeing them once they have been glazed and fired:
are the mushrooms’ eyes wide open,
struggling to stay awake or are they in awe at what they are seeing?
My granddaughter’s giant mushroom welcomes dreamers. That’s honesty for you. God welcomed and spoke to dreamers quite often in the Bible.
this puppy bowl provides
a new vessel from which to drink from.
Has your journey into Easter or even the celebration of Easter itself resulted in your awakening, staring in awe, dreaming, becoming a new clay pot or receiving a new vessel ready to drink anew the water of life?
Hallelujah Jesus Has Risen.
Easter Blessings to you all,
Margaret McKinnon