For the Garden of your Daily Living
Plant three rows of peas:
1/ Peas of Mind
2/ Peas of Heart
3/ Peas of Soul
Plant four rows of squash:
1/ Squash Gossip
2/ Squash Indifference
3/ Squash Grumbling
4/ Squash Selfishness
Plant four rows of lettuce:
1/ Lettuce be Faithful
2/ Lettuce be Kind
3/ Lettuce be Patient
4/ Lettuce Really Love One Another
No Garden is complete without Turnips:
1/ Turnip for Meetings
2/ Turnip for Service
3/ Turnip to Help One Another
To Conclude our Garden we must have Thyme:
1/ Thyme for Each Other
2/ Thyme for Family
3/ Thyme for Friends
Water Freely with Patience and Cultivate with Love. There is much Fruit in your Garden because you Reap what you Sow.
(source unknown)