Last year Diocesan Synod was one of the last big events before lockdown, and this year we were online, using the same platforms as General Synod. As with General Synod business was confined to the essentials. The Bishop’s charge reviewed how the pandemic had affected us and our worship across the diocese, and talked of the maintenance of our physical bodies and the body of Christ, trusting in God for maintenance now and for readiness to act and face a post-pandemic world with all its questions. This theme continued in break-out groups where we shared what we wanted to bring with us from our experience in the last year, what we missed most, and what we most wanted to leave behind. After the usual elections (though with a noted lack of lay volunteers for a number of positions) we broke for lunch.
After the break, we voted to extinguish the charge of St. Mary’s Cove Bay, at the request of their vestry. This is always a sad duty on the rare occasions when it happens, but the vestry felt that their Episcopal story in that place had come to a natural end. In this case there is the consolation of knowing that the building will continue to be used as a church by the other congregation that has shared it for a number of years.
Discussion on the revision of Canon 4 followed, in break-out groups. This is the canon that deals with the election of bishops, and a large number of people have expressed their dissatisfaction with the current shape of the Canon, particularly as regards the very restricted timetable, issues of confidentiality for candidates, and the insistence that there should be a short list of 3-5 candidates for an election to take place. Because the revision of the canon is particularly complicated, a review group at provincial level has put together two preliminary choices of general paths to take when rewriting the canon, and it was these choices that were being discussed: should we continue with the electoral synod style of election where a large number of representatives across the diocese are involved, or should we choose an electoral college where a smaller number of trained people make the choice. Synod voted to retain the first option, and this response will be returned to the review group.
To facilitate the meeting, any questions were submitted by email and responses were returned to all synod members a few days later.
Nicola Mills
Lay Representive