A very warm welcome to all
Psalm 85: “Show us your mercy, O Lord.”
Second Sunday of Advent
Readings: Isaiah 40: 1-11; 2 Peter 3: 8-15a
Gospel: Mark 1: 1-8
In our Gospel today
If you were buying a leather belted camel hair coat today, you would not get much change out of £2000 (according to Harrods.com). A diet of high protein locusts and wild honey, (a highly recommended superfood) would be considered quite acceptable in today’s health-conscious world.
My point is that John the Baptist as described in our gospel passage today would not be nearly as shocking a sight as he was then. How then would a modern-day John look? Who would we describe as living in the wilderness in today’s world and how would we treat them if they approached us? I don’t intend answering those questions here, but I would ask you to give them some thought as you make your preparations for Christmas.
Diocesan Advent Course
The Diocesan Advent Course will run from Advent Sunday (3rd December 2023) to the Baptism of the Lord (7th January 2024). The course, written by different members of the Diocese is called “In the beginning was the Word…” with reflections each day on scripture. It will be posted in the ‘other news’ section of the Diocesan website, with some discussion questions posted on Saturday of each week to reflect back on that week’s previous posts.
Christmas Worship
Here’s a reminder of our Christmas Services at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral:
o Lessons and Carols: Saturday 16th December at 4pm
o Christmas Eve Sung Eucharist: Sunday 24th December at 10am
o Christmas Eve Midnight Service: Sunday 24th December at 11:30pm
o Christmas Day Sung Eucharist: Monday 25th December at 10am
Christmas Magazine
Does anyone have any material for the Christmas Magazine? Closing date for copy to Nick Mills is Monday 18th December.
Calendar 2024
The St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral Calendar for 2024 is available in church. Single copies can be purchased at the price of £10. If you’d like to purchase more than one, we will offer a 10% discount on the total payable.
Collecting Christmas Selection Boxes
We started collecting Christmas Selection Boxes from Sunday 19th November. Thank you to all that have already contributed. We now have a very nice big pile of selection boxes. These will be distributed to charities such as Barnardos and Cyrenians.
Services/Events Commencing Sunday the 10th December 2023
Sunday 10th December 8am Said Holy Communion (1970 Liturgy): Revd Jason Hobbs
Sunday 10th December 10am Advent 2 (1982 Liturgy): Revd Jason Hobbs
Wednesday 13th December 10am Holy Communion (1970 Liturgy): Revd Roger Dyer
Friday 15th December 6pm Compline: Revd Roger Dyer
Saturday 16th December 4pm Lessons and Carols: Revd Canon Dr Jenny Holden
Sunday 17th December 8am Said Holy Communion (1970 Liturgy): Revd Roger Dyer
Sunday 17th December 10am Advent 3 Service of the Word: Presiding Iain Stewart and Marin Matsuzaka and preaching Louisa Donaldson
Sunday 17th Dec readings: Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11; Psalm 126; 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24
Gospel: John 1: 6-8, 19-28
“One road leads home and a thousand roads lead into the wilderness.”
(C.S. Lewis.)
For any pastoral matters please contact our Assistant Priest Revd. Roger Dyer on 07719 458571
or revrogdyer@btinternet.com