A very warm welcome to all
Sixth Sunday After Epiphany
Deuteronomy 30: 15-20; 1 Corinthians 3: 1-9
Gospel: Matthew 5: 21-37
In our Gospel
In our Gospel today.
Matthew 5, Jesus teaches the meaning of his beatitudes which is the beginning of what we know as the Sermon on the Mount. A proclamation of God’s loving kingdom and the moral compass for Christian discipleship.
Earthquake Tragedy
I weep for those who have been lost in the terrible earthquake that occurred on Monday morning. The astonishing loss of life and the destruction of property in Turkey and Syria, coupled with the many thousands who were injured and displaced, is a sobering reminder of just how fragile our world, and our life, can be. I pray also for the many charities and relief organisations who are assisting in the effort to recover survivors and those who may have perished. This will be a test of faith for many, not just in the areas concerned, but across the world. The challenges that God puts before us are not there to establish if we love him or not, they exist because he knows we can overcome them, no matter what takes place.
War in Ukraine
Please continue to offer prayers for our brothers and sisters caught up in Ukraine’s mayhem. Please think about what you can do to help in any way for those who continue to reach out to the rest of Europe and beyond for our assistance. Whatever method or organisation you use to make donations, please do it rather than think about it.
Lent will soon be upon us, in fact, Ash Wednesday will be on the 22nd of February. I want you to now be thinking about how you will personally approach and participate in this important season in our calendar. I will be publishing the final draft of services for Lent and other activities next week.
Curry Night
On the evening of Friday the 3rd of March, there will be a ‘Curry Night’, as part of our ongoing fundraising campaign. All of the food will be prepared and provided by myself and our People’s Warden, Mr Iain Stewart. We ask only that you consider making a reasonable donation and that you ‘bring a bottle’ on the day.
Fundraising/Social Events
At a recent meeting with the fundraising/social events group recently, a number of events have now been planned for almost every month of the year. This will be available on the website with hard copies posted in the Choir Vestry soon
Diocesan Synod
On Saturday the 4th of March, the Diocesan Synod service will take place at Kings College Chapel at Aberdeen University, commencing at 9.30 am. All are welcome to attend this service. The Synod meeting will then follow and will take place at the Elphinstone Hall, directly across from Kings College Chapel.
We continue to ask everyone to consider donating any unusual bottles for our ‘Bottle Appeal’. This is an ongoing fundraising initiative and I ask you to keep your eyes open.
Holy Week
Holy Week will commence on Sunday, April 2nd, and I have recently received an email from Bishop Dorsey McConnell (our Assisting Bishop), to confirm that he will be with us here at St Mary’s for the Triduum (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday). We are blessed that +Dorsey will provide his ministry to us during this most intense part of our Christian Calendar and I will confirm next week what form that will take in relation to our worship.
Smartie Tubes appeal
We will shortly be supplying everyone with ‘Smartie Tubes’ as part of our collection which terminates on Easter Sunday. When available, please take one and, if you are able, fill it with 20p pieces, or consider some other means of donating (cheques/notes etc)
More volunteers needed
I am appealing for more people to volunteer to assist with providing coffee and tea after our Sunday worship. Please use the St Mary’s Calendar on the notice board in the Choir vestry to indicate when you would be free to help. Many hands etc…
Keep warm
During this current cold weather, please know that we have a good supply of woollen blankets at the rear of the church that you may wish to avail yourselves of in order to stave off the chill.
Poem Competition 2023
Just to remind everyone that our Short Poetry Competition was launched on the 4th of December. If you recall how successful our previous competition was it was a ‘no-brainer’ that we should do it again. So, get your artistic thinking caps on once more and let’s see if we can have some wonderful poems as we did the last time. You have until the end of March 2023 to submit your entries via email to stmaryscardenplace@gmail.com or if you do not have a computer, on a hard copy to either myself or Mr David Rose our webmaster. The rules can be found via the website on the following link to this year’s competition at https://stmaryscardenplace.org.uk/uncategorized/poem-competition-2023/ Further information will be updated and will soon be made available.
Services/Events Commencing Sunday the 12th of February 2023
Sunday 12th February – at 8 am – Holy Communion (Cn Terry)
Sunday 12th February at 10 am – Sung Eucharist followed by AGM (Cn Terry)
Monday 13th February at 2 pm – Chapter Zoom Meeting
Tuesday 14th February at 10 am – Morning Prayer (Cn Terry)
Wednesday 15th February at 10 am – Holy Communion (Cn Terry)
Friday 17th February – at 6 pm – Compline (Cn Terry)
Sunday 19th February – at 8 am – Holy Communion (Cn Terry)
Sunday 19th February at 10 am – Sung Eucharist (Cn Terry)
Sunday the 19th Feb Readings: Leviticus 19: 1-2, 9-18; Psalm 119: 33-40;
1 Corinthians 3: 10-11, 16-23
Gospel: Matthew 5: 38-48
“Do we stop trying to rescue the trapped and mourn, or do we work hard to recover what we can and mourn another time?.”
(Rev’d Cn Terry Taggart – 2023)
Blessings Always
Cn Terry Taggart: