A very warm welcome to all
Psalm 19: “The commandment of the Lord is pure and gives light to the eyes.”
Season of Creation Week 3
Readings: Isaiah 50: 4-9a; James 3: 1-12
Gospel: Mark 8: 27-38
In our Gospel today
During this Season of Creation, we continue to try to view the Lectionary readings through an ecological lens.
Psalm 116 expresses gratitude for how things turn out after all. God hears our cry. God loves the whole world and each of us as individuals.
But also, we see in our readings the responsibility that has been given to each of us not only to lift our prayer for creation before God but to speak and act in such a way that change is possible. The words of Jesus challenge us to intentionally decide to be his disciples ‘take up your cross’. The temptation is to pull back from the costly and difficult decisions that we are faced with by the climate crisis.
What does it mean for us that we are disciples of Jesus, living in the hydro-carbon capital of the UK at this time of climate change? Our reading from James encourages us to use our voices in the many conversations that come our way to speak of the moral and ethical imperative for creation care.
Season of Creation
During the five Sundays of September, we will use the Season of Creation (Creationtide) theme. This is an ecumenical idea that has been growing over recent years and seeks to raise the profile of our understanding and action about climate and biodiversity issues as Christians. The series culminates with the service of Harvest. You can find out more about Season of Creation here: https://seasonofcreation.org/about/
All Saints
Please note the autumn dates for All Saints children’s Sunday club for those aged 4-12 years old. Sundays September 15th, October 20th and November 17th from 3:30pm to 5:00pm at St James, Holburn Street, AB10 6BS. Bible Stories, Games, Craft, Songs, Food and Fun. A joint initiative with St James and St John’s.
Quiz night at St John’s, Thursday 19th September at 7pm
St John’s are hosting a fun quiz night in their church hall on Crown Terrace. Teams from other churches are very welcome. Tickets are £5 per person, and this entitles you to some refreshments too!
Updates to St Mary’s Social and Fundraising Calendar
Our Quiz Night, was originally scheduled for Friday 13th September, has now been moved to combine it with the Pizza Evening on Friday 11th October. Please see our noticeboards for the updated calendar.
Harvest Festival
Another note for your diary or calendar. We will be celebrating the Harvest Festival with a Bring & Share Lunch on Sunday 6th October. Please look out for the sign-up sheet at the back of church. Thank you!
Church Grounds Tidy Up
Thank you very much to all who have done the excellent weeding work over the past few weeks and to those intrepid weeders who turned out on Saturday 14th September between 10am and 12 noon.
Photograph Competition 2024
Our Photograph Competition is currently running until Monday 30th September. Please send any nice photographs to our webmaster, David Rose. Landscape format is best if you want photographs to appear in our calendar. Donations of £2 per photograph entry go to church funds. Thank you to all who have sent in photographs so far! We now have 30 entries, and they can be viewed here: https://stmaryscardenplace.org.uk/photograph-competition-2024/
Services and events commencing this Sunday and for the coming week
Sunday 15th September 8am Holy Communion (1970 Liturgy): Revd Roger Dyer
Sunday 15th September 10am Service of the Word: Leading Dr Nicola Mills and preaching Revd Godwin Chimara
Wednesday 18th September 10am Holy Communion: Revd Roger Dyer
Friday 20th September 6pm Compline: Iain Stewart
Sunday 22nd September 8am Holy Communion (1970 Liturgy): Revd Roger Dyer
Sunday 22nd September 10am Sung Eucharist (1982 Liturgy): Revd Roger Dyer
Next Sunday’s readings: Jeremiah 11: 18-20; Psalm 54; James 3: 13-4:3, 7-8a
Gospel: Mark 9: 30-37
“Everything in nature has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content.”
(Helen Keller (1880-1964) from The Story of my Life.)
For any pastoral matters please contact our Assistant Priest Revd Roger Dyer on 07719 458571 or revrogdyer@btinternet.com