A very warm welcome to all
Pentecost 6
Readings: Genesis 18: 1-10a; Colossians 1.15-28
Gospel: Luke 10.38-42
In today’s Gospel
The Early Church never called themselves Christians. In the bible the term most often used was ‘saints’. The Church was called ‘Christians’ by the powers-that-be for the first time in Antioch (Acts 11;26). Antioch was referred to as ‘all the world in one city’. The thing that marked out this new group in Antioch was their belief that Jesus was the Christ (God’s Anointed One) and that they sought to follow him. In today’s reading from Paul’s letter to the Colossians (1:15-28) he reminds them of this foundational and glorious understanding of whom Jesus was. This is also our bedrock too as we seek to follow Jesus in today’s world.
War in Ukraine
Please continue to offer prayers for our brothers and sisters caught up in the mayhem that is Ukraine. Please think about what you can do to help in any way for those who continue to reach out to the rest of Europe and beyond for our assistance. Whatever method or organisation you use to make donations, please do it rather than thinking about it.
Thank You
Thank you to everyone who attended our ‘get-together’ yesterday (Saturday). I was, unfortunately unable to join you, however, I am confident that everyone who did attend enjoyed the day.
Lambeth Evensong
The Lambeth Evensong will take place here at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral next Sunday the 24th of July, commencing at 5pm. There will be a total of eight Bishops in attendance, five Episcopal Bishops from America, plus The Rt Rev’d Hugh Gilbert (RC), our Primus, The Rt Rev’d Mark Strange, and our own Diocesan Bishop, the Rt Rev’d Anne Dyer. There will also be a significant choir in place being directed by Mr Matthew McVey. This is a significant event and I urge all of you to consider attending.
I am exploring the possibility of having the ‘Reredos’, which is currently situated above the Crypt Altar, being fixed above the High Altar here in the main body of the Church. If you are unfamiliar with the term ‘Reredos’, it is defined as an ‘ornamental screen or partition that is not directly attached to the altar table but is affixed to the wall behind it’. Please feel free to go down to the crypt to have a look at the Reredos I am referring to and let me have your feedback. There are some old black and white photos in the Choir Vestry showing a reredos in place here at St Mary’s.
As mentioned in previous weeks, we asking you to look through your jewellery boxes to see if you are prepared to part with something that you really haven’t used for years or maybe you just feel like donating something you have no further use of. Of course, it doesn’t have to be gold, it could be any type of jewellery that we might be able to sell on to a jewellers. Please speak to Fr Terry upon his return if you have anything to offer.
Coffee/Tea helpers
As I said last week, we have put the search for someone to look after a rota for helping with teas and coffee after our service ‘on the back burner’. Thanks to Mrs Gillian Rose, we now have a sheet displayed in our Choir Vestry with the dates of upcoming Sundays. Please take a look at it and if you are free, and willing to help, put your name on the list next to the date that is most convenient for you. It it probably useful to have two people on any particular date.
Vestry Vacancies
We have two vacancies on St Mary’s Vestry for Ordinary Members, and I would strongly urge those who feel that they could offer something to assist in the management of our Church to speak to me. Vestry membership is a rewarding role and provides an insight in to how we reach the decisions we do in our work here at Carden Place.
Reading Scripture
Our Peoples Warden Mr Iain Stewart has asked me to put out a call for more people to consider volunteering to read scripture and intercede at our worship. Should you feel so inclined, I encourage anyone who is considering this valuable ministry to approach Ian in the first instance.
All Saints : Holiday Club
All Saints : Holiday Club 17-20 Oct for those aged 4-11(inc P7) at St James, Holburn St. A joint project between St James, St John’s and St Mary’s. Please speak to Fr Roger if you are a young person who would like to come along or to have a conversation about volunteering.
Photography Competition 2022
Photography Competition 2022 : After the successful competition of last year 1st July marks the start of this year’s contest. We have until end of October to submit entries to Mr David Rose via the St Mary’s email address stmaryscardenplace@gmail.com There is no limit to the number of photos that you may enter but they have to be taken by you or a family member with their permission. The entry fee for each shot is £2 with those judged to be the best three receiving a prize. Photographs of people are not encouraged to avoid the requirement to obtain express written permission. For full details of Competition Rules (inc. how to pay, display, publishing and royalty rights) please see church website stmaryscardenplace.org.uk under ‘What’s On’.
Services/Events Commencing Sunday the 17th July 2022
Sunday 17th July at 8 am – Said Eucharist (1970 – Cn Terry)
Sunday 17th July at 10 am – Pentecost 6 Sung Eucharist (1982 – Cn Terry + Fr Roger)
Monday 18th July- Cn Terry – Day Off
Tuesday 19th July at 10am – Morning Prayer (Cn Terry)
Wednesday 20th July at 10am – Holy Communion (1970 – Cn Terry)
Friday 22nd July at 6pm – Compline (Cn Terry)
Friday 22nd July at 7pm – Holy Communion – Mary Magdalene (1982 – Cn Terry)
Sunday 24th July at 8 am- Pentecost 7 Holy Communion (1970 Cn Terry)
Sunday 24th July at 10 am- Pentecost 7 – Sung Eucharist (1982 – + Anne)
Sunday 24th July at 5pm – Lambeth Evensong (+Anne)
Readings: Genesis 18.20-32; Psalm 138; Colossians 2: 6-15 (16-19)
Gospel: Luke 11: 1-13
“The best ideal is the true and other truth is none. All glory be ascribed to the holy Three in One”
(Gerard Manley Hopkins)
Blessings Always
Cn Terry Taggart: