A very warm welcome to all
“We are the people and the sheep of his pasture.”
Third Sunday after Pentecost
Readings: Exodus 19: 2-8a; Romans 5: 1-8
Gospel: Matthew 9:35-10:8
In our Gospel today
In today’s Gospel Matthew has just told us of ten miracles Jesus has performed, curing people physically and spiritually. Jesus now instructs and commissions his disciples to go out and spread the Good News, to tell people the Kingdom of God is near, heal and take no payment as the disciples received the Good News without paying for it. Our readings from Exodus and Psalm 100 remind us that God’s love has abided and remained with humanity through the ages, as Psalm 100 tells us “For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his faithfulness endures from age to age.”
All the readings this Sunday call us to look for how God is working in our lives. In the first reading the Israelites are reminded that God led them out of Egypt. The psalm tells us that God cares for us. In the reading from Romans Paul tells us that God proves His love for us because Christ died for us. In the Gospel, we hear how Jesus cared for the people and sent his disciples to do the same.
Prayers for Ukraine
As the Ukrainian counter-offensive continues, please continue to offer prayers for our brothers and sisters caught up in the tragic Russia-Ukraine war.
Peace Garden
Good news! At the beginning of June Aberdeen City Council planners approved our Peace Garden Project. Our landscaping contractor, Landscaping in Aberdeen, plan to begin works on week commencing 19th June and the works will last about five/six weeks. For safety reasons the church carparking area will be for the use of the contractors between 8am and 5pm during the working week. If you have any question about the project, please approach our folks on the Buildings Committee – David Rose and Freddie Stephens. More details will follow in church Notices on the website soon.
Bring & Buy Bake Sale 18th June
Today, Sunday 18th June, we will be having a Bring & Buy Bake Sale after the 10am service. There will be some lovely baking for sale in the Choir Vestry.
Photograph Competition 2023
Our Photograph Competition for 2023 has been launched and will be our third such competition and will run until 30th September. Details of the competition rules can be found here: https://stmaryscardenplace.org.uk/notices/photograph-competition-2023/
Poetry Competition 2023
Our Short Poetry Competition continues until 30th June. Further entries can be sent to our email address stmaryscardenplace@gmail.com or delivered in paper copy to any members of the Fundraising & Social Team.
Bottle Appeal
We ask everyone to consider donating attractive (and empty) gin or whisky bottles for our ‘Bottle Appeal’. This is an ongoing fundraising initiative and I ask you to keep your eyes open.
Services/Events Commencing Sunday the 18th of June 2023
Sunday 18th May at 8am – Said Eucharist (1970 Liturgy): Revd Dr Jenny Holden
Sunday 18th May at 10am – Sung Eucharist (1982 Liturgy): Revd Dr Jenny Holden
Tuesday 20th May at 10am – Morning Prayer: Revd Dr Jenny Holden
Wednesday 21st May 10am – Holy Communion: Revd Roger Dyer
Friday 23rd June 6pm Compline: Revd Roger Dyer
Sunday 25th June 8am service & 10am service: Revd Dr Jenny Holden
Sunday 18th June readings: Jeremiah 20: 7-13; Psalm 69: 8-11 (12-17) 18-20; Romans 6: 1b-11
Gospel: Matthew 10: 24-39
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”
(Martin Luther King)
For any pastoral matters please contact our Assistant Priest Revd. Roger Dyer on 07719 458571
or revrogdyer@btinternet.com