A very warm welcome to all
“Send forth your Spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth”
Day of Pentecost
Readings: Numbers 11: 24-30; Acts 2: 1-21
Gospel: John 20: 19-23
In our Gospel today
The day of Pentecost has come (Acts 2:1-21); it is now fifty days since Easter. The coming of the Holy Spirit is the gift inaugurating the final stage of the salvation story (or history, chronology); this era leads up to the end of time. The Spirit’s arrival is in fulfilment of Christ’s promise. Acts is about mission, about speaking, proclaiming, the good news to people everywhere, in languages (and language) they can understand; Luke tells us that the Holy Spirit is the driving force behind this work, e.g., in the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch. The Spirit is the launching pad for this mission. “God’s deeds of power” (v. 11), of which all spoke, are explained by Peter in vv. 14-36, based on a quotation from the book of Joel (vv. 17-18).
Prayers for Ukraine
Please continue to offer prayers for our brothers and sisters caught up in the tragic Russia-Ukraine war.
Wonder-full Gathering
On Sunday 28th May between 3:30pm and 5pm there will be the monthly Wonder-full Gathering. The weather looks good for the afternoon. Reverends Jenny, Lynsay and Roger look forward to being with you for a wander and a wonder. Details of the meeting place, the walk and the registration form can be found at the following link:
Bring & Buy Bake Sale 18th June
On Sunday 18th June we will be having a Bring & Buy Bake Sale after the 10am service. Please, if you are able, start to think about baking suitable items for sale in the Choir Vestry on that Sunday.
Photograph Competition 2023
Our Photograph Competition for 2023 has been launched and will be our third such competition and will run until 30th September. Details of the competition rules can be found here: https://stmaryscardenplace.org.uk/notices/photograph-competition-2023/
Cheese & Wine with Silent Auction
Our next big fundraising and social event will be the Cheese and Wine with Silent Auction evening, which is now scheduled for Friday 16th June at 7:30pm. Please think about any nice quality items which you may like to donate for the Silent Auction. For this event we’ve chosen to request suitable donations rather than set a ticket price. Tickets are now available from anyone in the Fundraising Team.
Poetry Competition 2023
Our Short Poetry Competition continues until 30th June. Further entries can be sent to our email address stmaryscardenplace@gmail.com or delivered in paper copy to any members of the Fundraising & Social Team.
Bottle Appeal
We ask everyone to consider donating attractive (and empty) gin or whisky bottles for our ‘Bottle Appeal’. This is an ongoing fundraising initiative and I ask you to keep your eyes open.
Services/Events Commencing Sunday the 28th of May 2023
- Sunday 28th May at 8am – Said Eucharist (1970 Liturgy): Revd. Dr Jenny Holden
- Sunday 28th May at 10am – Sung Eucharist (1982 Liturgy): Revd. Dr Jenny Holden
- Tuesday 30th May at 10am – Morning Prayer: Revd. Roger Dyer
- Wednesday 31st May 10am – Holy Communion: Revd. Dr Jenny Holden
- Friday 2nd June 7pm Compline: Revd. Roger Dyer
- Sunday 4th June 8am & 10am services: Revd. Dr Jenny Holden
Sunday 4th June readings: Genesis 1: 1-2, 4a; Psalm 8; 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13
Gospel: Matthew 28: 16-20
“God is acting on your soul all the time, whether you have spiritual sensations or not.”
(Evelyn Underhill)
Whilst Fr Terry is having time-off for any pastoral matters please contact our Assistant Priest
Rev’d Roger Dyer on 07719 458571or revrogdyer@btinternet.com