A very warm welcome to all
Fourth Sunday After Epiphany
Readings: Micah 6: 1-8; 1 Corinthians 1: 18-31
Gospel: Matthew 5: 1-12
In our Gospel
In our Gospel today, throughout our world, in the Church, and in our homes, a common question is being asked. People want to know if the waters of life are navigable and, if so, how. People are looking for a way to deal with the challenges, uncertainties, and difficulties of life. We want some assurance that the direction of our life will offer meaning and connect us to something larger than our individual stories. So how do we move forward? What are we to teach and tell our children and grandchildren? Those are the age-old questions, asked in every generation.
War in Ukraine
Please continue to offer prayers for our brothers and sisters caught up in Ukraine’s mayhem. Please think about what you can do to help in any way for those who continue to reach out to the rest of Europe and beyond for our assistance. Whatever method or organisation you use to make donations, please do it rather than think about it.
Many thanks to Dr Nicola Mills and Mr Godwin Chimara
I am extremely grateful to Dr Nicola Mills and Mr Godwin Chimara (final year Ordinand), for officiating our Service of the Word for this Sunday. I am also grateful to Fr Roger for taking our Compline on Friday and presiding at the 8 am Holy Communion on Sunday.
Annual General Meeting
Our AGM will take place immediately after the Sung Eucharist next Sunday (5th February). There will be no sermon and the service will be shortened where possible to allow people to prepare for the meeting. The meeting itself will take place in the Choir Vestry to ensure we can be as cosy as possible. I will endeavour to email a copy of the AGM booklet to everyone who has internet access prior to the AGM. I will also ensure that there are hard copies available on the day.
My apologies!
My apologies to those who normally attend our Morning Prayers on a Tuesday morning, for the very short notice cancellation this week. I had to take a friend to the ARI for a cataract operation when she had been offered a slot for the procedure at the very last minute.
More volunteers needed
I am appealing for more people to volunteer to assist with providing coffee and tea after our Sunday worship. Please use the St Mary’s Calendar on the notice board in the Choir vestry to indicate when you would be free to help. Many hands etc…
Reg Whittaker
Just to let you know that Reg Whittaker is now out of the hospital and is convalescing at home after his knee operation. I visited him on Wednesday and both he and Moy are well and grateful for your prayers and best wishes.
Keep warm
During this current cold weather, please know that we have a good supply of woollen blankets at the rear of the church that you may wish to avail yourselves of in order to stave off the chill.
Poem Competition 2023
Just to remind everyone that our Short Poetry Competition was launched on the 4th of December. If you recall how successful our previous competition was it was a ‘no-brainer’ that we should do it again. So, get your artistic thinking caps on once more and let’s see if we can have some wonderful poems as we did the last time. You have until the end of March 2023 to submit your entries via email to stmaryscardenplace@gmail.com or if you do not have a computer, on a hard copy to either myself or Mr David Rose our webmaster. The rules can be found via the website on the following link to this year’s competition at https://stmaryscardenplace.org.uk/uncategorized/poem-competition-2023/
Services/Events Commencing Sunday the 29th of January 2023
Sunday 29th January – at 8 am – Holy Communion (Fr Roger)
Sunday 29th January at 10 am – Service of the Word (Dr Nicola Mills & Mr Godwin Chimara)
Monday 30th January – Cn Terry Day off
Tuesday 31st January at 10 am – Morning Prayer (Cn Terry)
Wednesday 1st February – Holy Communion (Cn Terry)
Friday 3rd February – at 6 pm – Compline (Cn Terry)
Sunday 5th February – at 8 am – Holy Communion (Cn Terry)
Sunday 5th February at 10 am – Sung Eucharist followed by AGM in the Choir vestry
Sunday the 5th Feb Readings: Isaiah 58: 19a, (9b-12); Psalm 112: 1-9; 1 Corinthians 2: 1-12 (13-16)
Gospel: Matthew 5: 13-20
“Now, now my good man, this is no time to be making enemies.”
(Voltaire, on his deathbed in response to a Priest asking him that he renounce Satan.)
Cn Terry Taggart: