A very warm welcome to all
Psalm 24: “Lord, this is the People that longs to see your face.”
All Saints
Readings: Isaiah 25: 6-9; Revelation 21: 1-6a
Gospel: John 11: 32-44
In our Gospel today
Our reading from the Book of Revelation tells us about a vision of “a new heaven and a new earth”, in which “mourning and crying and pain will be no more”. As we survey what appears to be a world on fire right now, with wars and violence and political upheavals, it is hard, but also comforting if we can do it, to reflect on God’s message to us that this is not our final destination, and that others have gone before
us, with every tear now wiped from their eyes.
As our Gradual hymn on this occasion reminds us, God is the “King of love”. Humanity often fails to live up to God’s plan for us, but in the end God is not thwarted. Our failings are not our destiny. So at this time of year we are reminded that generations before us have experienced suffering, despair, woundedness, but that now they are the great cloud of witnesses compassing us about (Hebrews 12), in a new heaven where death will be no more, and where we too will meet them one day.
All Souls
Our annual ‘Service to Remember the Faithful Departed’ will be held at 6pm on Sunday 3rd November. There will be an opportunity to light a candle in memory of a loved one at this service. If you have those dear to you whose names you would like read out at this service, please write them on the sheet at the back of church or send by email to Rev’d Jason jhobbs10@gmail.com Please do invite any friends or relatives that you think may find this peaceful yet poignant 40-minute service helpful.
Remembrance Sunday
In order to allow us to join in the national two minutes silence our Remembrance Sunday service will begin at 10:50am on Sunday 11th November. There will be a brief introduction and laying of wreaths before the silence. Please note this will be a Service of the Word service.
East Garden Project
Good news! Last Friday, our architect, Dave Chouman, submitted an application for planning permission to Aberdeen City Council for the creation of a new East End Garden at St Mary’s. The project includes new landscaping to replace the path between Albert Terrace and Carden Place and a new labyrinth with bench seating. The plans also include resetting the steps at both sides and inclusion of new hand railings. The project also includes repairs to our drainage system in the east end grounds area. A new border garden is also proposed. Please see our noticeboards for more details.
Curry Night Friday 29th November
A note for your diary, we’ll be hosting a Curry Night on Friday 29th November at 7:30pm. Our last such event was a big success with delicious curries provided by congregation members of St Mary’s. Look out for the sign-up sheet at the back of church to help us gauge numbers attending and how many curry providers we can expect! Thank you!
Next Vestry Meeting Tuesday 5th November
Please note that our next Vestry meeting is on 5th November at 7:30pm. Please let a member of the Vestry know if you have any issues you wish to bring to our attention.
Services and events commencing this Sunday and for the coming week
Sunday 3rd November 8am Holy Communion (1970 Liturgy): Revd Roger Dyer
Sunday 3rd November 10am Sung Eucharist with Baptism (1982 Liturgy): Celebrant Revd Roger Dyer, Preacher Revd Ferdinand von Prondzynski
Sunday 3rd Nov 6pm A Service of All Souls to Remember the Faithful Departed: Revd Jason Hobbs
Wednesday 6th November 10am Holy Communion: Revd Ferdinand von Prondzynski
Friday 8th November Compline 6pm: Revd Roger Dyer
Sunday 10th November No 8am Service
Sunday 10th November 10:50am Service of the Word for Remembrance Sunday: Dr Nick Mills presiding and Ms Louisa Donaldson preaching
Next Sunday’s readings: Job 19: 21-27; Psalm 90; 1 Corinthians 15: 51-57
Gospel: John 6: 37-50
“You know well enough that Our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them.”
(Saint Therese of Lisieux)
For any pastoral matters please contact our Assistant Priest Revd Roger Dyer on 07719 458571 or revrogdyer@btinternet.com