A very warm welcome to all
“Lord, I love the place where your glory abides.”
Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Readings: Jeremiah 15: 15-21; Romans 12: 9-21
Gospel: Matthew 16: 21-28
In our Gospel today
Today is the first Sunday in Creationtide, the month leading up to Harvest, when we think of God’s creation and our stewardship of it. Our Gospel this morning concerns the contrast between heavenly things and earthly things. It might seem like the best thing we can do, to concentrate our minds and our hearts on Heaven, but we can’t forget our earthly obligations, to those around us and to God’s generous gifts to us here on this planet. ‘The heavens are the Lord’s, but the earth hath he given to the children of men.’ It’s our duty, and our privilege, to look after it.
Season of Creation
During the four Sundays of September, we plan to use the Season of Creation (Creationtide) theme. This is an ecumenical idea that has been growing over recent years and seeks to raise the profile of our understanding (and action) about climate and biodiversity issues as Christians. The series culminates with the service of Harvest.
Farewell to Matthew!
Many thanks to everyone that provided donations for Matthew and for those that attended last week’s Evensong service and reception. Thanks also to everyone that helped with refreshments, teas and coffees, the fabulous cakes and of course, the wine! It was a very special service and a fine farewell for Matthew. All the very best for your new posting Matthew!
Photograph Competition 2023
Our first photographic entries for this year’s Photograph Competition arrived last week and we now have over 30 entries. Please remember to have a look at the entries and see if they inspire you to get the camera or mobile ‘phone out! The competition runs until the end of September. We are looking for any nice seasonal photographs that can be reproduced in our 2024 Calendar. The photograph entries and competition rules can be found here: https://stmaryscardenplace.org.uk/photograph-competition-2023/
Social Ladies’ and Gents’ evenings
A Ladies’ Evening has now been arranged for Thursday 28th September at the No. 10 Restaurant on Queens Terrace. Please contact Gillian Rose or Anne Farquhar if you would like to attend.
A similar evening will be organised for the gents. You will find a sign-up sheet on the table near the font with suggested dates and venues.
Harvest Festival
On Sunday 1st October we will celebrate the Harvest Festival with a Bring & Share Lunch. We plan to invite all of the trades people that were involved in the Peace Garden to the service and lunch that day.
Planters needing plants!
You may have noticed that we have placed the two large planters that were previously close to the Rowan trees either side of the two planters at the front door. We’re looking for some help to plant these up. Anyone who has spare plants or wishes to contribute to new plants please contact Freddie Stephens or David Rose of our Buildings Committee.
New boiler!
Good news! We have a brand-new Worcester Bosch boiler in the church kitchen. This will be much more efficient than the old one and is hydrogen ready – so it can cope with the expected change to a mixed natural gas/hydrogen blend of fuel. No more lukewarm dish washing either!
Bottle Appeal
We ask everyone to consider donating attractive (and empty) gin or whisky bottles for our ‘Bottle Appeal’. This is an ongoing fundraising initiative and we ask you to keep your eyes open.
Services/Events Commencing Sunday the 3rd September 2023
Sunday 3rd September 8am No service
Sunday 3rd September 10am Season of Creation: Week 1 Eucharist (1982 Liturgy) – Presiding Revd Kate Gibson and preaching Dr Nick Mills
Tuesday 5th September 10am Morning Prayer: Revd Roger Dyer
Wednesday 6th September 10am Holy Communion (1970 Liturgy): Revd Roger Dyer
Friday 8th September 6pm Compline: Revd Roger Dyer
Sunday 10th September No 8am Service
Sunday 10th September 10am Season of Creation: Week 2 Eucharist (1982 Liturgy): Revd Kate Gibson
Sunday 10th September readings: Ezekiel 33: 7-11; Psalm 119: 33-40; Romans 13: 8-14
Gospel: Matthew 18: 15-20
“We can now destroy or we can cherish – the choice is ours.”
(David Attenborough)
For any pastoral matters please contact our Assistant Priest Revd. Roger Dyer on 07719 458571
or revrogdyer@btinternet.com