A very warm welcome to all
Psalm 123: “Our eyes wait upon the Lord our God.”
Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
Readings: Ezekiel 2: 1-5; 2 Corinthians 12: 2-10
Gospel: Mark 6: 1-13
In our Gospel today
Psalm 123 addresses this lament to God: “We have had more than enough of contempt.” This is a complaint we may all be tempted to repeat as we observe a world in which the values we aspire to appear to be disregarded, in which anger and abuse seem everywhere, in which reconciliation between people at odds with each other is too often rejected, in which the Church often seems marginalised. But as St Paul reminds us, whenever we are weak, God makes us strong, and with confidence in God’s care for us, our faith will prevail over all these assaults. So let us continue to hold each other up in prayer and thankfulness.
Thursdays @ 7
Would you like to meet mid-week for bible-study, prayer, and encouragement? Thursdays @ 7 will be held in the Crypt. We plan to re-start on 18th July. You’d be very welcome wherever you feel you are in your faith journey. Bring a friend if you wish. We’ll aim to be an hour – longer if you stay for refreshments.
Rectory Lawn Cutting Rota
Thank you very much to all those that have signed up for the lawn cutting rota. There are plenty of weeks available if you’d like to sign up too. Please see the sign-up sheet at the back of church for those that are able to give the lawn a cut during the summer and autumn months. Thank you!
Soap Sunday 30th June
Thank you very much to all who donated items for Soap Sunday! We collected an impressive haul of soaps and shampoos!
Church Garden Tidy Up (Saturday 6th July)
By the time we are in church this Sunday there should be far fewer weeds around the south side of St Mary’s. Thank you very much for those who volunteered to do some weeding! Look out for further weeding events in the near future!
Bake Sale Sunday 7th July
This Sunday we will enjoy a Bake Sale at St Mary’s. For those good bakers in the congregation please dust off your best recipes and get ready to present your bakes for sale. Thank you very much again!
Soup Sunday 28th July
So, we’ve just had a successful Soap Sunday and now with a change of one letter we are about to collect tins of soup again to help those in need. Please think about donating a few tins or packets of soup so that we can in turn donate to some of the local charities or foodbanks. Thank you very much again!
Photograph Competition 2024
Just a brief reminder that our Photograph Competition is currently running and there are two more months to go before the deadline for entries. Please send any nice photographs to our webmaster, David Rose. Thank you!
Services and events commencing this Sunday and for the coming week
Sunday 7th July No 8am Service
Sunday 7th July 10am Service of the Word: Leading Dr Nicola Mills and preaching Revd Ferdinand von Prondzynski
Tuesday 9th July No Morning Prayer
Wednesday 10th July 10am Holy Communion: Revd Kate Gibson
Friday 12th July 6pm Compline: Iain Stewart
Sunday 14th July No 8am Service
Sunday 14th July 10am Sung Eucharist (1982 Liturgy): Revd Kate Gibson
Next Sunday’s readings: Amos 7: 7-15; Psalm 85: 8-13; Ephesians 1: 3-14
Gospel: Mark 6: 14-29
“Overcoming the world daily, we may hope that we have faith.”
(John Keble, “Sermons for the Christian Year”.)
For any pastoral matters please contact our Assistant Priest Revd Jason Hobbs. Please see email or paper copy of noticesheet for contact details.