A very warm welcome to all
“The throne of God is righteousness and shall endure forever.”
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Readings: Zechariah 9: 9-12; Romans 7: 15-25a
Gospel: Matthew 11: 16-19,25-30
In our Gospel today
In our gospel text although Jesus is referring to the generation of his time it could so easily be ours.
Some people are never satisfied! If we look just on the outside we miss what (and who) is in front of us. They thought that John the Baptist was a demon and considered Jesus to be “a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.”
Jesus, on the other hand, compares them to children. They are oblivious, like children who are preoccupied with playing games. The Messiah, the one they have been waiting for, is right in front of them. Yet, they failed to see beyond the superficial appearances of the prophet and the Son of Man. In this text, it is clear that Jesus knows who he is, but can others, can we, see him for who he truly is?
The second part of the gospel reminds us of God’s invitation to rest. God invites us to throw off the heavy yokes that the expectations of others place on us and to take on the lightness of God. This invitation follows the reminder that God chooses whom to share the mysteries of God with.
Prayers for Ukraine
As the Ukrainian counter-offensive begins in earnest, please continue to offer prayers for our brothers and sisters caught up in the tragic Russia-Ukraine war.
Peace Garden
Work on the Peace Garden Project has continued and is on schedule. In the third week of the works all landscaping materials are now on site and very good progress has been made with the new wall for the raised bed and the paved area. For safety reasons the church carparking area will be for the use of the contractors between 8am and 5pm during the working week. If you have any questions about the project, please approach our folks on the Buildings Committee – David Rose and Freddie Stephens.
Services of Evensong
There will be two further services of Evensong at St Mary’s through the summer months on 30th July 6:30pm and 27th August 6:30pm). Our Director of Music, Matthew McVey, will be gathering a choir for these occasions. The Evensong on the 27th of August at 6:30pm will be Matthew’s last service with us before he takes up his new post. After this service there will be a Reception and an opportunity for us to express our thanks to Matthew for his work amongst us in recent years. Please mark this date in your diaries and on your calendars! Full details to follow.
Gallowgate Fair
The Gallowgate Fair will take place on Saturday 5th August at St Margaret’s Hall from 10am to 4pm. St Mary’s usually take a stall and sell homemade toffee, jam, and bakes. Please speak to the Fundraising and Social Team for more information on how to get involved.
Photograph Competition 2023
Our Photograph Competition for 2023 has been launched and will be our third such competition and will run until 30th September. Details of the competition rules can be found here: https://stmaryscardenplace.org.uk/notices/photograph-competition-2023/
Poetry Competition 2023
Our Short Poetry Competition closed on Friday 30th June. The entries can be seen here: https://stmaryscardenplace.org.uk/poem-competition-2023/ Many thanks to all entrants. We will now move on to judging the entries and announcing the winners soon.
Bottle Appeal
We ask everyone to consider donating attractive (and empty) gin or whisky bottles for our ‘Bottle Appeal’. This is an ongoing fundraising initiative and we ask you to keep your eyes open.
Services/Events Commencing Sunday the 9th July 2023
Sunday 9th July No 8am Service
Sunday 9th July 10am Sung Eucharist (1982 Liturgy): Revd Kate Gibson
Tuesday 11th July 10am Morning Prayer: Revd Dr Jenny Holden
Wednesday 12th July 10am Holy Communion (1970 Liturgy): Revd Dr Jenny Holden
Friday 14th July 6pm Compline: Revd Dr Jenny Holden
Sunday 16th July 8am Said Eucharist (1970 Liturgy): Revd Dr Jenny Holden
Sunday 16th July 10am Sung Eucharist (1982 Liturgy): Bishop John Armes
Sunday 16th July readings: Isaiah 55: 10-13; Psalm 119: 105-112; Romans 8: 1-11
Gospel: Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23
“Laugh as often as possible. You must. Because the world will offer you every reason to weep …. That, I think, is part of the Great Love.”
(Maya Angelou)
For any pastoral matters please contact our Assistant Priest Revd. Roger Dyer on 07719 458571
or revrogdyer@btinternet.com