St Mary the Virgin
St Mary’s and St Andrew’s Worshipping Together
A very warm welcome to all
Readings: Isaiah 7: 10-15; Psalm 45; Galatians 4: 4-7
Gospel: Luke 1: 46-55
In today’s Gospel
Today we celebrate St Mary the Virgin and our Patronal Festival. The greatness of Mary is that she is not caught up in concerns about worthiness. She neither boasts at the angel’s message nor pulls away, claiming not to deserve it. Instead, she recognises that message as what it is: sheer gift. How often is our response so contrary to hers? We are caught up in timidity, low self-esteem, a focus on our shortcomings. Or we have an inflated sense of ourselves, and constantly we must work to keep this balloon inflated! Mary, on the other hand, avoids these traps, placing the emphasis not on herself, but on the God who initiates all good things. Her centre is not her little ego, but the Holy One who exceeds every limit.
“I am the bread of life,” Jesus said, not once but twice. “I am the bread of life.” When was the last time you ate the bread of life? I’m not asking about the Holy Eucharist because I don’t think that is what Jesus is talking about in today’s gospel. I’m not denying that the Eucharist can be and is bread of life but maybe it’s just one slice in a larger loaf of bread. Maybe the bread of life is the Eucharist and more than the Eucharist. Maybe you and I are to become the bread of life, just like Jesus.
Recorded Service
There will be no pre-recorded Holy Communion provided this Sunday due to the planning required for our 10 am service this week. This will resume next Sunday.
Prayer request
For those of you who know the Rev’d Jean Soutar, please remember her in your prayers as she begins a course of chemotherapy for cancer of the liver.
Memorial / Thanksgiving Service
I am looking at providing a service of memorial and thanksgiving for those who suffered loss during the height of the Corona Virus pandemic, and also to give thanks to the wonderful and dedicated members of our NHS who worked, and continue to do so, in the battle to keep on top of this devastating virus. I am hoping that it can be an ecumenical event with contributions from different faiths and denominations. Please watch this space.
Poem Competition
Until Sunday the 17th of October, when we shall celebrate the Harvest Thanksgiving, I challenge all of you to compose a short poem, no longer than 2 verses (although some flexibility will be allowed) between 4-6 lines per verse (all your own work). It can be about anything and not necessarily connected with the Church. Please send your entries to the church email address either via our website at or direct to the email address at As per our last competition, we ask for a donation of £2 per entry, and you can submit as many as you wish. Please either use the ‘Donate’ function at the foot of the website home page (preferred option) where there is also an opportunity to note what the donation is for, or speak to our Treasurer, Mrs Lydia Ross for alternative arrangements. I will assume (unless advised to the contrary) that everyone who submits an entry gives their permission to have it published on our website. The rules are also available via the homepage on St Mary’s Website
Patronal Festival Gift Day
In our continuing stewardship campaign, we propose incorporate today as a ‘gift Day’. Some of you may recall that this was initially introduced as a method to assist in our fundraising campaigns. Recently, we have asked our congregation to review their weekly/monthly/annual giving and to consider whether it could be increased. I would still urge you to do this if you haven’t already done so, but only if you can afford it. To those who have recently increased their giving, I am deeply grateful for your continued support and generosity. However, the proposed ‘Gift Day’ today, is a further opportunity to make a gift donation to St Mary’s, which will be put towards our continuing Repair and Refurbishment program.
Home Visits
I am hoping to begin some home visits next week. I am particularly mindful of those who have been unable to attend our services during the pandemic, and in view of this, I will be offering home Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament where it is requested. If any of you know someone who would like me to call on them, please let me know and I shall plan out my diary accordingly.
‘Get together at Old Deer’
After the recent success of the previous get-together at Ellon, we are now encouraged to get together for a Holy Communion and Picnic. On Saturday 28 August: Meeting at St Drostan’s, Old Deer – gathering from 10.30 am, for start at 11.00 am After opening prayers, there will be a short pilgrimage to Old Deer Monastery. We will hold an open-air Eucharist in the monastery grounds, Bishop Anne presiding. After this, we will picnic together.
Services/Events at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral w/c Sunday the 15th of August 2021
- Sunday 15th August at 8 am – Said Holy Communion (Cn Terry-1970)
- Sunday 15th August at 10 am – Holy Communion (Cn Terry – 1982)
- Monday 16th August – Cn Terry – Day off
- Tuesday 17th August at 10 am – Morning Prayer
- Wednesday 18th August 10 am Holy Communion (1970) (Cn Terry)
- Friday 20th August at 10 am – Pre-Recording Sunday Service
- Sunday 22nd August at 8 am – Holy Communion (1970) (Cn Terry)
- Sunday 22nd August at 10 am – Sung Eucharist – Patronal Festival (1982) (Cn Terry)
“We never give more honour to Jesus than when we honour his Mother, and we honour her simply and solely to honour him all the more perfectly. We go to her only as a way leading to the goal we seek – Jesus, her Son.”
(St Louis Marie De Montford)
Blessings Always
Rev Canon Terry Taggart