‘Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
This is the day the Lord has made’
A very warm welcome to all
Easter Sunday
Readings: Isaiah 65: 17-25; Acts 10: 34-43
Gospel: Luke 24: 1-12
In today’s Gospel
Alleluia, Christ is risen !! He is risen indeed, Alleluia! Preaching at Easter has its unique challenges and opportunities. A typical Easter worship service is often a bit chaotic. Family members who have been away may be home for the holiday. People who rarely worship may come to church for the sake of tradition. The Easter story itself may seem all too familiar, yet those who try to preach it may wonder how anyone could possibly believe it. This challenge is precisely the opportunity. No preacher can make a listener believe that the dead rise. But God can and does work through the Easter message to evoke Easter faith.
Welcome back from Shetland
As we welcome Bishop Anne and Fr Roger back from Shetland, I would like to thank her for leading our services on Good Friday and Easter Sunday (today). After a very hectic schedule on the islands, I hope they soon both find time to rest.
War in Ukraine
Please continue to offer prayers for our brothers and sisters caught up in the mayhem that is Ukraine. Please think about what you can do to help in any way for those who continue to reach out to the rest of Europe and beyond for our assistance. Whatever method or organisation you use to make donations, please do it rather than thinking about it.
“Women of Holy Week”, Paula Gooder
I would like to thank all those ladies who volunteered to read the stories from Paula Gooder’s book ‘Women of Holy Week’. It was a joy to be able to facilitate this venture. I have the book to lend out to anyone who wishes to read it. Just let me know and I will make it as widely available as possible.
Holy Week Services
I would also like to thank all those who came to some, if not all of the services that were made available during Holy Week. I hope that there was enough variation for everyone who attended and I am deeply grateful to those certain individuals (you know who you are) who worked extremely hard to make everything flow as smoothly as it did. I can assure you that ‘behind the scenes’ it was pretty frantic.
Whilst I am in ‘thankful mode’, I would like to thank Mrs liz Christedes and Mrs Gillian Rose for decorating our Choir Vestry for our Easter fellowship. I think you will agree that it has been transformed for our Easter celebration. I would also like to thank Dr Nicola Mills, Mrs Gillian Rose and Ms Louisa Donaldson, for decorating our church with beautiful flowers for today’s services.
As mentioned in previous weeks, I am asking you to look through your jewellery boxes to see if you are prepared to part with something that you really haven’t used for years or maybe you just feel like donating something you have no further use of. Of course, it doesn’t have to be gold, it could be any type of jewellery that we might be able to sell on to a jewellers. In any case, I am now appealing to you to consider this and I intend to keep this running for the next 3 months, at which point we can assess where we are.
2022 Easter egg Appeal
Thank you all so much for the generous donation of Easter eggs for this year’s appeal. All of the eggs were delivered to the respective charities; HomeStart and The Aberdeen Cyrenians. In the end we had a total of 130 donated eggs !! There is a lovely thank-you card from HomeStart on the Choir Vestry noticeboard should you wish to read it.
Diocesan Newsletter
The Diocesan Newsletter is now available to view online and can be found by clicking on this link https://aoepiscopal.scot/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Diocesan-Newsletter-50-8-April-2022.pdf
Coffee/Tea helpers
I am looking for someone to take responsibility for producing a rota to look after the provision I am looking for someone to take responsibility for producing a rota to look after the provision of teas and coffees at our after-service fellowship. Please come and speak with me if you are willing to help. Mrs Gillian Rose has offered to resume control of the purse for donations made during fellowship.
Fundraising Events
The following is a direct link to our fundraising events calendar should you be interested in what is happening in the coming months. https://stmaryscardenplace.org.uk/social-fundraising-calendar/
Vestry Vacancies
We have two vacancies on St Mary’s Vestry for Ordinary Members, and I would strongly urge those who feel that they could offer something to assist in the management of our Church to speak to me. Vestry membership is a rewarding role and provides an insight in to how we reach the decisions we do in our work here at Carden Place.
Reading Scripture
Our Peoples Warden Mr Iain Stewart has asked me to put out a call for more people to consider volunteering to read scripture and intercede at our worship. Should you feel so inclined, I encourage anyone who is considering this valuable ministry to approach Ian in the first instance.
As the work continues outside our Church, I ask each and every one of you to take extra care when entering and exiting the building. Parking space is now severely limited but will still be available to those who require it on a Sunday due to mobility issues. Parking is also available during our weekday services. You will also note that we now have scaffolding inside the Church to enable the removal and repair of the damaged rose window. I have no idea how long this process will take and I ask for your continued patience.
Holy Week – commencing Sunday 17th April 2022
Sunday 17th April at 6 am – Holy Communion Dawn Service (Bishop Anne/Cn Terry)
This will be followed by a light refreshment
Sunday 17th April at 8 am – Said Eucharist (1970 – Cn Terry)
This will be followed by a breakfast at 8.40 am
Sunday 17th April at 10 am – Easter Sunday Sung Eucharist (Bishop Anne/Cn Terry)
Monday 18th April – Cn Terry – Day Off
Tuesday 19th April Cn Terry – Day Off
Wednesday 20th April at 10am – Holy Communion (1970-Cn Terry)
Thursday 21st April at 6pm – Compline
Friday 22nd April at 10am – Morning Prayer
Friday 22nd April at 6pm – Compline
Saturday 23rd April – Admin Day
Sunday 24th April at 8 am ‘2nd Sunday of Easter’ Holy Communion (1970 Cn Terry)
Sunday 24th April at 10 am – ‘2nd Sunday of Easter’ Sung Eucharist (1982 – Cn Terry)
“Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.”
(Martin Luther)
Blessings Always
Rev Canon Terry Taggart