2nd Sunday after Epiphany
St Mary’s and St Andrew’s Worshipping Together
A very warm welcome to all
1 Samuel 3 1-10; Psalm 139: 1-5, 12-17; 1 Corinthians 6: 12-20; Gospel: John 1: 43-51
Today’s Gospel
Today’s Gospel from John talks a lot about ‘finding’ and ‘seeing’; ‘Jesus found Philip’; ‘Philip found Nathaniel’; “We have found him”. Philip said to him “come and see”; ‘When Jesus saw Nathaniel’; “I saw you under the fig tree”. Think about common phrases such as ‘Have you found Jesus?’, ‘Have you seen the light?’, What are you lookingfor?’, ‘Can you find it in your heart…?’. There is clearly more asked of us than just the physical requirement to ‘see’ and to ‘find’. There is more, much more, and I will explore this in my sermon in our pre-recorded service, which can be accessed via the Diocesan Website at https://aoepiscopal.scot at 9.55am on Sunday the 17th of January.
St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral
St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral AGM will take place via Zoom on Sunday the 7th of February, commencing at 1230 pm. Even though we may well be experiencing lockdown, I fully intend to ensure that the AGM will go ahead as planned. I will endeavour to circulate the necessary correspondence prior to that date. Watch this space and our website for further updates.
LayRep and Alternate Lay Rep posts
The roles of Lay Rep and Alternate Lay Rep are posts that are open, annually, to any member of St Mary’s Congregation who wishes to put their names forward. The positions are currently occupied by Dr Nicola Mills (Lay Rep), and Dr Elizabeth Smyth (Alternate Lay Rep), who, if unopposed, are happy to continue. Should anyone put their name forward for either role, then this will require a ballot to take place at the AGM. If anyone wishes to know more about the Lay / Alternate Lay Rep positions, please let me know. Normally I would be placing a sheet in the Church for anyone who wishes to put their name forward, however, due to the current lockdown situation, this will not be possible. Therefore I would also ask that you contact me via this medium and I will maintain an electronic list should it be required. It is also incumbent upon me to ensure that this information reaches as many of those who are on the St Mary’s Congregational role as possible, so if you know of anyone who should be aware of this information and is not receiving newsletters, would you please let me know at your earliest convenience.
The final total donated to SECMA from St Mary’s was £270. Our SECMA representative here at St Mary’s, Mrs Gillian Rose, has received the following message from the Provincial Secretary Ms Hilary Blyth “The support from St Mary’s has been truly astonishing this year and SECMA is very grateful for it”. I would also like to extend my gratitude to all who contributed during these continually trying times.
Wednesday Services on FaceBook
From Wednesday next week (20th January) at 11 am, I will broadcast live, a Morning Prayer via my FaceBook page. Those who are ‘friends’ with me will be able to watch and listen should you wish to. This will continue on Thursday the 21st at the same time, and so on every week until lockdown is eventually lifted. I will also provide an evening Celtic prayer on Tuesday evenings, via the same media, which will commence at 7 pm, on Tuesday the 19th of January. If you are able, and you have access to Face Book, please join me for a short time to pray and meditate.
Please keep your stamps!
Just a reminder to everyone, to keep hold of all of your used stamps, which I hope to collect from you when the current lockdown restrictions are eventually relaxed.
Please remember Bishop Anne and her family in your prayers
I conclude by asking all of you to remember Bishop Anne and her family in your daily prayers.
Services/Events at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral week commencing Sunday 17th January 2021
Friday the 15th of January at 10 am – Recording, at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, of online Holy Communion to be broadcast on Sunday the 17th January
Sunday the 17th of January at 12.30 pm – Sunday Brunch via Zoom
Tuesday the 19th of January at 7pm – Celtic Evening Prayer live broadcast via Face-Book
Wednesday the 20th of January at 11 am – Morning Prayer live broadcast via Face-Book
Thursday the 21st of January at 11 am – Morning Prayer live broadcast via Face-Book
Friday the 22nd of January at 10 am – Pre-recording of Sunday Eucharist service at St Mary’s
Sunday the 24th of January at 9.55 am – Pre Recorded Eucharist Service from St Mary’sSunday the 24th of January at 12.30 pm – Sunday Zoom Brunch
‘Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.‘ (Isaiah 41: 10)
Blessings Always
Rev’d Canon Terry Taggart