St Mary’s and St Andrew’s Worshipping Together
A very warm welcome to all our visitors today
Ezekiel 34: 11-16 & 20-24; Psalm 95: 1-7; Ephesians 1: 15-23; Gospel: Matthew 25: 31-46
The Feast of Christ the King
Today is the feast of Christ the King, which celebrates the full authority of Christ as King and Lord of the universe. Also referred to as “The Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King,” it is celebrated on the final Sunday of Ordinary Time, the Sunday before Advent. Yes, next Sunday is Advent Sunday.
Evensong Service Sunday 29th November
Next Sunday, there will be an Evensong service here at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral at 6.30pm. Of course, we cannot have a choir, but I am endeavouring to ensure we have a cantor to sing for us during the service. We were going to sing some Advent carols in the car park however I think I will plan that for another week within Advent, so watch this space. I have some logistics to work out
Pre-recorded Holy Communion Service
The Pre-Recorded Holy Communion Service, which will be broadcast at 10 am on Sunday, can be found on the Diocesan Website. I would like to thank our Organist Matthew for providing the music, and Ms Gwyn Evans for reading the Scripture and Intercessions.
Thank you to all our volunteers
Thank you to those who continue to volunteer to go on our various rotas for reading, flowers and cleaning. I still need people to help out with Intercessions, so please let me know if you would like to pitch in. If you haven’t done intercessions before, but would like to try it, I have a book or two that gives very easy and clear guidance. There’s no right or wrong way, and it is an important part of our worship. We are a Church of many voices, so the more we have, the more special it will be
Newsletter on our website
Just a reminder to everyone that this newsletter also goes on to our new website at If you haven’t already had a look, please do, it is very informative and continues to be populated with new material.
General Synod
This year, General Synod will be an electronic affair on Zoom. It will take place on Saturday the 5th of December, and I, with many others, will be chained to a laptop/computer for the whole day.
Vestry Meeting on Zoom
There will be a Zoom Vestry meeting commencing at 7.30 pm on Wednesday the 25th of November. As always, the agenda and Rector’s Report will be circulated to all Vestry members prior to the meeting. Any apologies in the first instance should be directed to the Vestry Secretary Ms Elizabeth Smyth.
Services at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral week commencing Sunday 22nd November 2020
- Sunday 22nd November – 10 am – Holy Communion (Cn Terry Presiding)
- Wednesday 25th November – 10 am – Holy Communion (1929) (Cn Terry Presiding)
- Wednesday 25th November – 7.30 pm – St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral Vestry Meeting (Via Zoom)
- Friday 27th November – 9.30 am – Morning Prayers (Cn Terry)
- Friday 27th November – 10 am – Recording Service for Sunday 29th November
- Sunday 29th November – 10 am – Advent Sunday Holy Communion (Cn Terry Presiding)
- Sunday 29th November – 6.30 pm – Advent Sunday Evensong (Cn Terry)
Blessings Always
Rev’d Cn Terry Taggart