St Mary’s and St Andrew’s Worshipping Together
A very warm welcome to all
Readings: Ezekiel 37: 1-14; Psalm 104: 25-35,37; Acts 2: 1-217
Gospel: John 16: 4b-15
In our Gospel today
In today’s Gospel the writer of Acts uses metaphors of ‘wind’ and ‘fire’ in his attempt to describe the arrival of the Holy Spirit. What do they suggest? Wind is often completely unpredictable; it comes and goes, is not biddable or controllable. Fire suggests both safety and danger; warmth, light, protection, but the possibility of destruction too. Both are mysterious and powerful. Both can be devastating. Think of the pictures after a forest fire or a tornado. Everything swept away, flattened, and the landscape transformed. The only possibility is a whole new beginning. I once again, commend our Gospel reading to your list.
8am Sunday Said (Low Mass) Holy Communion
I will be resuming the 8am Sunday Said (Low Mass) Holy Communion on Trinity Sunday the 30th of May (this Sunday) using the 1970 Liturgy as was previously the norm. This will be the fifth Sunday of that month and the main 10 am service will also use the 1970 liturgy as previously mentioned. I will look to provide an Evensong as soon as I feel it is appropriate given the recent relaxation of restrictions. Watch this space.
Photograph Competition
There is still time to enter St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral Photograph competition, which forms part of our ongoing fundraising initiatives. The competition will run, until Trinity Sunday the 30th of May inclusive. We are asking that anyone who wants to enter should submit their photograph(s) to Mr David Rose via the St Mary’s email address at More details regarding this can be found on our website at Thank you to those who have already submitted pictures.
The Blessed Virgin Mary’s Day – 15th August
Sunday the 15th of August is The Blessed Virgin Mary’s Day; and therefore our Patronal Festival. In our continuing stewardship campaign, we propose to hold a ‘gift Day’. Some of you may recall that this was initially introduced as a method to assist in our fundraising campaigns. Recently, we have asked our congregation to review their weekly/monthly/annual giving and to consider whether it could be increased. I would still urge you to do this if you haven’t already done so, but only if you can afford it. To those who have recently increased their giving, I am deeply grateful for your continued support and generosity. However, the proposed ‘Gift Day’ on August the 15th is another opportunity to make a gift donation to St Mary’s, which will be put towards our continuing Repair and Refurbishment programme. There will be more information forthcoming via newsletters and other material which I will soon distribute. The St Mary’s website will also provide some information soon.
Services/Events at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral w/c Sunday the 23rd of May 2021
Sunday 23rd May at 10 am – Holy Communion (Cn Terry)
Monday 24th May – Cn Terry – Day Off
Wednesday 26th May 10 am Holy Communion (1970) (Cn Terry)
Friday 28th May at 10 am – -Pre-Recording for online Sunday service
Sunday 30th May at 8 am – Said Holy Communion 1970 Liturgy (Cn Terry)
Sunday 30th May at 10 am – Holy Communion (Cn Terry)
“The Holy Spirit’s fullness, now being restored to God’s people, will never again be taken from them.”
( Derek Prince in ‘Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting’)
Blessings Always
Rev Canon Terry Taggart