Eighth Sunday after Trinity
St Mary’s and St Andrew’s Worshipping Together
A very warm welcome to all
Readings: 2 Kings 4: 42-44; Psalm 145: 10-19; Ephesians 3: 14-21
Gospel: John 6: 1-21
In today’s Gospel
We sometimes imagine that a cheap, non-polluting energy source would be the ultimate achievement for humankind. But in Jesus’ day, where most people were subsistence farmers, finding a labour-free, inexhaustible food supply would be considered the prize. And that’s the drawing power of Jesus’ miracle of the loaves and fishes, feeding 5,000 men, plus women and children. Perhaps that’s why it’s Jesus’ only miracle that appears in all four gospels. In one sense, however, today’s Gospel reading is more a lesson for the disciples’ and believers’ benefit than for the crowds that were fed.
Letters of Support
As previously mentioned, we are in the process of several funding applications, one of which is partly enhanced by the support of testimonials from members of the congregation and other people who use the church. I would therefore ask each of you to consider providing a short letter of support for the ongoing maintenance of St Mary’s, and how pivotal it is that having a physically sound church building is so important to you. You may also wish to outline how long you have worshipped at St Mary’s. If you are prepared to do this, the preference is that you do it electronically and email it to me. If, however, you do not have access to, or even use a computer, then, a clearly handwritten alternative would be fine. If possible, I would ask if this could be done at your earliest convenience.
Poem Competition
Until Sunday the 17th of October, when we shall celebrate the Harvest Thanksgiving, I challenge all of you to compose a short poem, no longer than 2 verses (although some flexibility will be allowed) between 4-6 lines per verse (all your own work). It can be about anything and not necessarily connected with the Church. Please send your entries to the church email address either via our website at www.stmaryscardenplace.org.uk or direct to the email address at stmaryscardenplace@gmail.com As per our last competition, we ask for a donation of £2 per entry, and you can submit as many as you wish. Please either use the ‘Donate’ function at the foot of the website home page (preferred option) where there is also an opportunity to note what the donation is for, or speak to our Treasurer, Mrs Lydia Ross for alternative arrangements. I will assume (unless advised to the contrary) that everyone who submits an entry gives their permission to have it published on our website. The rules are also available via the homepage on St Mary’s Website
The Blessed Virgin Mary’s Day – 15th August
Sunday the 15th of August is The Blessed Virgin Mary’s Day; and therefore our Patronal Festival. In our continuing stewardship campaign, we propose to hold a ‘Gift Day’. Some of you may recall that this was initially introduced as a method to assist in our fundraising campaigns. Recently, we have asked our congregation to review their weekly/monthly/annual giving and to consider whether it could be increased. I would still urge you to do this if you haven’t already done so, but only if you can afford it. To those who have recently increased their giving, I am deeply grateful for your continued support and generosity. However, the proposed ‘Gift Day’ on August the 15th is another opportunity to make a gift donation to St Mary’s, which will be put towards our continuing Repair and Refurbishment program. There will be more information forthcoming via newsletters and other material which I will soon distribute. The St Mary’s website will also provide some information soon.
Services/Events at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral w/c Sunday the 25th of July 2021
- Sunday 25th July at 8 am – Said Holy Communion (Cn Terry-1970)
- Sunday 25th July at 10 am – Holy Communion (Cn Terry – 1982)
- Monday 26th July – Cn Terry – Day off
- Wednesday 28th July 10 am Holy Communion (1970) (Cn Terry)
- Sunday 1st August at 8 am – Holy Communion (1970) (Cn Terry)
- Sunday 1st August at 10 am – Holy Communion (1982) (Cn Terry)
“The will of the Father, the will of the Son, and the will of the Spirit must be one; it is a perverse forgetfulness of the unity of the Godhead to suppose otherwise.”
(Charles Spurgeon)
Blessings Always
Rev Canon Terry Taggart