‘The Lord of Hosts, He is the King of Glory’
St Mary’s and St Andrew’s Worshipping Together
A very warm welcome to all
Celebrating All Saints Day
Readings: Isaiah 25: 6-9; Psalm 24: 1-6; Revelations 21: 1-6a
Gospel: John 11: 32-44
In today’s Gospel
Today we give thanks for the extraordinary out pouring of the grace of God upon human lives. The work of the Holy Spirit transforming the actions of ordinary men and women, over centuries of Christian witness. All of them faced tough journeys of soul searching in their lives borne of a growing dissatisfaction about the world they encountered. It led to transformation not only of themselves but the many who pondered their stories and found in them a source of encouragement for their own commitment to Christ.
All Souls Service
Our ‘All Souls’ Service will take place here at 7pm on Tuesday the 2nd of November. During this time, we will remember the souls of the dearly departed. The members of our family whom we have lost and miss so very much. Those friends we grew up with, those work colleagues. We will remember them all in prayer with some appropriate musical accompaniment. Should you wish a loved one’s name to be read out during the service, please either email, call, text, or speak with me prior to the service. There will also be a sheet at the back of the church for those who wish to place names thereon.
St Mary’s Calendar for 2022
Gillian Rose has offered to organise the compilation of a St Mary’s Calendar for 2022 using some of the photographs that were submitted for our recent photograph competition. If Gillian has not already been in touch with you, can you either contact me, or speak to Gillian direct if you have any objection to your photograph being used for this fund raising purpose.
As Sam and I have travelled down south on Thursday to see the granddaughters, this will mean that there will be no pre-recorded service being provided from St Mary’s today, the 31st, and for those who watch online, I would direct you to the Provincial service which is usually broadcast at 11 am. There will also be no 8 am service or Zoom Brunch today the 31st of October, I have however, arranged for more than suitable Clergy cover for the Sung Eucharist at 10 am which will celebrate All Saints day.
The Scottish Episcopal Church Mission Association (SECMA) Magazines are here. This Church has always given generously towards this wonderful and hard-working arm of the SEC and between now and the end of October, I would ask you to consider, if you are able, to make your SECMA donation separate as part of the retiring collection (in a separate plate or appropriately marked envelope). This can be cash/cheque.
Christmas Cards
As I have ben mentioning recently, there’s no time like the present to prepare for Christmas. With that in mind, the St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral Christmas cards are now available. You will find them at the rear of the Church as you leave and also in the Choir Vestry if you are joining us for a cuppa after the service. All we ask is the same as last year; £1 per card, or £5 for a pack of six. They are lovely cards, professionally designed by Mr Stuart Smith at Alt 10 Interactive, the local company who built our website.
I would like to put out a call to all of those who have yet to be confirmed in the Scottish Episcopal Church and are considering taking on this further commitment in faith. I urge you to get in touch so we can talk about it and delve deeper with a view to experiencing this momentous step in your Christian lives. Feel free to either email, text or call me; or even give me the nod when we conclude our worship and I will ensure space in my diary.
Service of Memorial and Thanksgiving
I am looking at providing a service of memorial and thanksgiving for those who suffered loss during the height of the Corona Virus pandemic, and also to give thanks to the wonderful and dedicated members of our NHS who worked, and continue to do so, in the battle to keep on top of this devastating virus. I am hoping that it can be an ecumenical event with contributions from different faiths and denominations. Please watch this space.
Services/Events at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral w/c Sunday the 31st of October 2021
Sunday 31st October NO 8 AM SERVICE
Sunday 31st October at 10 am Sung Eucharist Harvest Festival (All Saints Day – 1982) Followed by Tea and Coffee
Sunday 31st October NO ZOOM BRUNCH
Tuesday 2nd November NO MORNING PRAYER
Tuesday 2nd November at 7pm – All Souls Service (Cn Terry)
Wednesday 3rd November at 10 am Holy Communion (Cn Terry-1970)
Followed by Tea and Coffee
Sunday 7th October at 8 am – Holy communion (1970 – Cn Terry)
Sunday 7th October at 10 am – Sung Eucharist (1982 – Cn Terry) followed by Teas and Coffee.
“You cannot be half a saint; you must be a whole saint or no saint at all.”
(St. Therese of Lisieux)
Blessings Always
Rev Canon Terry Taggart