The Epiphany
St Mary’s and St Andrew’s Worshipping Together
A very warm welcome to all our visitors today
Isaiah 60: 1-6; Psalm 72: 1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3: 1-12; Gospel: Matthew 2: 1-12
A Very Happy New Year to you all
A very Happy New Year to you all. I think I echo everyone else’s wish that this year will bring more hope and positivity than 2020 did. A lot of us may think that to dwell on the past holds us back from progressing to the future, and that everything that has happened is no longer within our grasp or control. Speaking as a student of history, I am a great believer that the past is the foundation for our present, but also the pre-cursor for our future. We discard the past at our peril, and if we do, we learn nothing. Of course, there are times when we would prefer not to ponder on past experiences as it can be painful, and it is at these times we tend to ‘file away’ those memories, knowing that we may have to confront them again some other time. On these occasions, it is imperative that we seek the support we need from family, friends and anyone else whom we know will listen and understand.
The Epiphany
Today (Sunday) we will celebrate the Epiphany. The definition of the word in the Cambridge English Dictionary is given as ‘A moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of something that is very important to you’. Other definitions will say that it is a ‘powerful religious experience’. The word derives from the Greek meaning ‘manifestation or appearance’. Whatever the experience was for the Three Wise Men, or ‘The Magi’ as they are also known, we know that it was the revelation of something deeply significant, not just for them, but for the world.
Service booklets
As you leave today, please deposit your service booklets in the box provided in the foyer.
No online Sunday Service on the Diocesan Website this week
There will be no broadcast of this Sunday’s service on the Diocesan Website. I have been unable to make this available due to a pressing personal matter. My apologies to all.
St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral AGM
St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral AGM will take place via Zoom on Sunday the 7th of February, commencing at 1230 pm. I will endeavour to circulate the necessary correspondence prior to that date. Watch this space and our website for further updates.
Vestry Member Elections and Nominations
Mr David Rose has graciously accepted my request to continue as Rector’s Warden. The post of People’s Warden remains vacant and I urge anyone who would like to be considered to speak with me. Mrs Lydia Ross has also agreed to continue as our Treasurer. Dr Elizabeth Smyth has agreed to continue as our Vestry Secretary and Mr Graham Thompson will continue as our PVG and Data Protection Officer. The roles of Lay Rep and Alternate Lay Rep are posts that are open, annually, to any member of St Mary’s Congregation who wishes to put their names forward. The positions are currently occupied by Dr Nicola Mills (Lay Rep), and Dr Elizabeth Smyth (Alternate Lay Rep), who, if unopposed, are happy to continue. Should anyone put their name forward for either role, then this will require a ballot to take place at the AGM. If anyone wishes to know more about the Lay / Alternate Lay Rep positions, please let me know. Normally I would be placing a sheet in the Church for anyone who wishes to put their name forward, however, although I will still do this, I would also ask that you contact me via email and I will maintain an electronic list as well.
New Government Guidelines
I have, amended, copied and pasted this paragraph from last Sunday’s newsletter ‘Now that the new Government Guidelines are in place with effect from the 26th December, we are only allowed a maximum of 20 people during any one service, this includes clergy, organist, sacristan and steward(s). So effectively that brings us down to 16, this number also includes children. This is an increasingly difficult time for everyone; however, we have no choice but to acquiesce accordingly until the new variant strain of the Covid virus is brought under control. It is therefore absolutely essential that should you wish to attend our services, you MUST let me know so that I can control the numbers. Wednesday Holy Communion and Friday AM Prayers have been temporarily suspended during this period, only ‘Occasional Offices’ such as funerals, weddings and baptisms will be observed.’
Services/Events at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral week commencing Sunday 3rd January 2021
Sunday 3rd January at 10 am – Holy Communion (Cn Terry)
Sunday 10th January 2021 at 10am – Holy Communion – Baptism of Christ (Cn Terry)
Blessings Always
Rev’d Canon Terry Taggart