Psalm 65 Response:
Be Joyful in God, all the earth
Deuteronomy 26: 1-11; 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15
Gospel Luke 17: 11-19
Today we celebrate the Harvest
Today we celebrate the Harvest and all that it brings to us. We can all be guilty of taking things for granted, and none more so than how the food on our tables actually gets there. So much effort is made to ensure we are able to stroll into a shop, pick up what we need, and take it home. We have the easy part. Farmers across the globe have to rely on so many factors totally out-with their control that need to act in their favour. The biggest one of these is the weather. Certain types of weather can mean ruination for a farmer. When a crop fails then customers will go elsewhere, and the farmer (and his/her employees) will suffer, both personally and financially. Sure, many in the farming community have learned to adapt and improvise with what they have, but not everyone can. We are extremely grateful to our farmers, land workers, packers, distributors, supermarkets, small shopkeepers, and all who endeavour to bring food to our tables. We have a duty to help care for our environment and to tend God’s green earth.
Last Sunday was the first combined service
Last Sunday was the first combined service of our two congregations, and it was a joy to be part of that. It was also wonderful to see that many of you were able to renew old friendships. as there were some among you who have history with both St Mary’s and St Andrew’s. I pray that we can build upon this and widen our fellowship accordingly.
Today is the first Sunday
Today is the first Sunday that Fr Isaac and I will lead the worship together, and we intend to alternate our roles regularly in order that all of you will be able to get a flavour of how each of us serve you. I sincerely hope that together, we will provide the spiritual, pastoral and emotional support that our Priestly calling demands of us.
Said Holy Communions
Our Said Holy Communions will resume on Wednesday 7th Oct. As previously mentioned, it is envisaged that this service will alternate weekly between the 1982 and 1929 Scottish Prayer Book liturgies. We will, on this coming Wednesday use the 1982 Liturgy when I will preside. Fr Isaac will preside on Wednesdays when the Scottish Prayer Book is being used.
During this period of restriction
During this period of restriction, it is really important that we are all seen to comply as best as we can. No more so than when we gather to worship. It is imperative that we fill in from the front and work back. I would ask anyone who wants to sit in their favourite seat to please be guided by our Stewards and to be patient during this time if they are unable to.
The collection
The question of the collection was asked of me last week. It is important, that should you wish your donation to go to either St Mary’s or St Andrew’s, it would be much easier to either place it in an envelope with the name on it or better still, to make your offering directly via your bank. Both church’s banking details can be provided for this purpose. Please let me know if you require them.
Services at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, week commencing Sunday 4th October 2020
Sunday 4th October 2020 – 10 am – Holy Communion (Cn Terry Presiding/Fr Isaac Preaching)
Wednesday 7th October 2020 – 10 am – Holy Communion (Cn Terry – 1982 Liturgy)
Sunday 11th October – 10am – Holy Communion (+Anne Presiding)
‘Honour the Lord with your possessions, and with the first fruits of all your increase; so that your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will be filled with new wine’
Proverbs 8:35
Blessings Always
Fr Terry Taggart