‘Blessed be the Lord who sets his people free‘
A very warm welcome to all
Christ the King
Readings: Malachi 3: 1-4; Canticle: Benedictus (Luke 1:68-61); Philippians 1: 3-11
Gospel: Luke Luke 3: 1-6
In today’s Gospel
Our Advent reading from Luke 3 introduces us to the three most important themes of the Bible. They can be summed up in three questions. The primary theme in the gospels concerns the identity of Jesus. “Who is Jesus?” The second theme has to do with the mission of Jesus. “Why did Jesus come?” The third theme has to do with the call of Jesus. “What does Jesus demand of us?” When you read the gospels thoughtfully, you discover that every event, every story, every quote, every conversation, is about one of these three themes. It is asking or answering one of these three fundamental questions. About Jesus’ identity; his mission; and his call. Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus come? And what does Jesus demand of us?
2nd Sunday of Advent
Today is the 2nd Sunday of Advent, and I would like to thank all who participated in our Choral Evensong last Sunday. I would particularly like to thank Mr Sam Paul, our own Matthew McVey, and the Choristers, for the most wonderful music and vocal contribution to our worship
Millie Rose Dyer
The funeral service for Ms Millie Rose Dyer will take place here at St Marys Carden Place on Friday the 10th of December at 12 noon. All who wish to pay respects are welcome to attend. This will be preceded by a Requiem Mass at 9.30am, with the The Rt Rev’d Kevin Pearson, the Bishop of the United Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway presiding. This will be a private service. There will be a light refreshment immediately after the 12 noon funeral service here at the Church. There may be a requirement for volunteers to assist with teas/coffees and other associated matters. Those wishing to help on the day, would you please let me know.
Christmas Decors
The Christmas tree and Nativity scene will be set up on Saturday the 11th of December. I would like to start this about 1pm. Again, anyone who can volunteer to help me, please let me know
Christingle Service
On the 18th of December at 3 pm, we will hold a Christingle Carol Service. This service is always appreciated by children, so those of you who have children (or grandchildren) why not consider bringing them along
St Mary’s Christmas Magazine
The St Mary’s Christmas Magazine is currently being put together by Dr Nicola Mills. You have until the 13th of December to submit an article to be published therein. This can be about anything, a favourite Advent / Christmas poem, a story that makes you happy at Christmas, a favourite Christmas recipe; use your imagination and Nicola will ensure it is printed.
Raffle Tickets
Our annual raffle tickets have arrived and they consist of books of five tickets, priced at £1 per ticket. Envelopes of raffle ticket books are in a box next to the font. Please take what you wish and return the stubs together with the relevant amount of payment. We hope to distribute ticket booklets to the many families/individuals who still do not feel ready to return to church, and we hope that those of you who do now attend regularly, consider purchasing what you are able to afford. Details of prizes etc, will be published soon. Watch this space.
St Mary’s Calendars
Mrs Gillian Rose has organised the compilation of a St Mary’s Calendar for 2022 using some of the photographs that were submitted for our recent photograph competition. They are now available and offered for sale at £8 each. I hope you will consider them as an ideal Christmas/New Year present to a friend or a loved one. You can find them on the pew at the rear of the Church or in the Choir vestry. Please consider purchasing one (or more).
Zoom Brunch
The Zoom Brunch will now be reduced to a monthly event. My reasoning for this is based on the opinions of several of our congregation, and I agree that it needed to be reviewed. Therefore, the next Zoom meeting will be some time in January, on a date to be set by me.
Selection Box Appeal
The collection of confectionary selection boxes in the lead up to Christmas continues. When you are next out shopping, please consider buying a selection box to donate towards this appeal. We shall continue to accept donations up until Sunday the 19th of December, after which we shall ensure that they are distributed to an appropriate charity organisation who can help brighten up a child’s Christmas, who may have otherwise missed out on such a small treat.
Forthcoming Events
You will find a calendar of events on our website at www.stmaryscardenplace.org.uk covering the next several months. We will also place a few of these event calendars around the church for your perusal and diaries.
Christmas Cards
As I have been mentioning recently, there’s no time like the present to prepare for Christmas. With that in mind, the St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral Christmas cards are now available. You will find them at the rear of the Church as you leave and also in the Choir Vestry if you are joining us for a cuppa after the service. All we ask is the same as last year; £1 per card, or £5 for a pack of six. They are lovely cards, professionally designed by Mr Stuart Smith at Alt 10 Interactive, the local company who built our website.
Advent to Epiphany Course
You are invited to participate in an Advent to Epiphany course from the Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney this Season. The course is called; “Waiting, Watching, Wondering”. Material to be used each day will be posted on the Diocesan website, beginning on Advent Sunday and running through to Epiphany. For each day there will be a mixture of Scripture, prayers, art, music links and activities. The material can be used as individuals, or by groups reflecting together. The materials will be posted daily on the website, available from https://aoepiscopal.scot/ under the Other News and Resources part of the front page, and the daily materials will remain available throughout the season.
Service of Memorial and Thanksgiving
I am looking at providing a service of memorial and thanksgiving for those who suffered loss during the height of the Corona Virus pandemic, and also to give thanks to the wonderful and dedicated members of our NHS who worked, and continue to do so, in the battle to keep on top of this devastating virus. I am hoping that it can be an ecumenical event with contributions from different faiths and denominations. Please watch this space.
St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral AGM
St Mary’s AGM will take place on Sunday the 6th of February 2022. I also inform you that our Vestry Committee have proposed that we bring our current Constitution in line with other Churches within the SEC concerning the future dates of AGM’s, in that in future years we would like to see this meeting being held in the November (or latest, December). There is a process we must legally adhere to and I shall endeavour to ensure everyone is kept appraised accordingly.
Services/Events at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral w/c Sunday the 5th of December 2021
Sunday 5th December at 8am – Holy Communion (Cn Terry – 1970)
Sunday 5th December at 10 am – 2nd Sunday of Advent Sung Eucharist (Cn Terry – 1982) Followed by Tea and Coffee
Monday 6th December – Cn Terry – Day off
Tuesday 7th December at 10 am – Morning Prayer (Cn Terry)
Wednesday 8th December at 10 am – Holy Communion followed by tea and coffee (Cn Terry – 1970)
Thursday 9th December – Reception of Ms Millie Rose Dyer to lay overnight at St Mary’s
Friday 10th December 9.30am – Requiem Mass for Ms Millie Rose Dyer (+Kevin Pearson)
Friday 10th December at 12 noon, Funeral service to celebrate the life of Ms Millie Rose Dyer (Cn Terry)
Saturday 11th December at 1 pm – Setting up the Nativity scene and decors
Sunday 12th December at 8 am – Holy Communion (1970 – Cn Terry)
Sunday 12th December at 10.00 am – 3rd Sunday of Advent Sung Eucharist (1982 – Cn Terry) followed by Teas and Coffee.
“The Lord is coming, always coming. When you have ears to hear and eyes to see, you will recognise him at any moment of your life. Life is Advent; life is recognising the coming of the Lord”
(Henri Nouwen)
Blessings Always
Rev Canon Terry Taggart