Trinity 13
Exodus 12: 1-14; Psalm 149; Romans 13: 8-end
Gospel: Matthew 18: 15-20
Well, here we are at last!
Well, here we are at last! It has been a long time coming but, as the saying goes, ‘all good things….’ We all owe a great deal of gratitude to the many people who have worked very hard to get us here today. It has been both a physically and emotionally demanding time for us all, and combined with our ongoing preparations for becoming Pro-Cathedral at the end of this month, those demands have tested us. At all times during this period, I have looked to God and asked, “When there is so much to do, are we capable of rising to the task”? I look around me now and see quite clearly that indeed we are and continue to be. I know that a lot of Churches opened last Sunday, but as you know, Sam and I took the opportunity to spend a few days with family down south. Being here today with you to lead you in worship is such an honour and privilege, you have no idea how emotional it is. Let us all hope and pray that as we move forward, we will see even more change and more restrictions lifted and we will see the return of more members of our congregation as they feel confident to come back.
The preparation and planning
The preparation and planning for welcoming our brothers and sisters from the Cathedral Church of St Andrew’s continues at a pace. I would like to thank everyone who was involved in the detailed inventory at St Mary’s over the past week, which is absolutely necessary to be ready for the arrival of the movement of items from the Cathedral.
I mentioned in a previous newsletter that once St Mary’s becomes Pro-Cathedral, our Sunday morning Sung Eucharist service will commence at and not 10.15am. The reason for this is to allow for some compromise when services will continue to be recorded and shown on line at 11am each Sunday morning. This will apply from the 27th of September onwards.
Thanks to Matthew
I would like to thank Matthew our Organist for preparing our music today. Although we cannot sing yet, it is wonderful to have some familiar music to help focus our worship. And I know that Matthew was eager to get ‘back in the saddle’.
Our first combined service
I have several meetings over the next few days with Bishop Anne and others as we prepare for our first combined service on the 27th of September which will commence at 10 am, as will all further Eucharist Services from then on. This service is an important occasion and no doubt historical in its setting. As a result of this, we will need to observe pretty precise planning when it comes to seating and capacity arrangements. I therefore ask for your patience and some degree of acquiescence as we do this.
Service(s) at St Mary’s Carden Place week commencing Sunday 13th Sep
Sunday 13th September – 10.15am – Said Eucharist
“It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end”
Revelations 21:6
Blessings Always
Fr Terry Taggart