The Third Sunday of Lent
St Mary’s and St Andrew’s Worshipping Together
A very warm welcome to all
Exodus 20: 1-17; Psalm 19; Corinthians 1: 18-25; Gospel: John 2: 13-22
In our Gospel today
In our Gospel reading today from John, we hear “But he was speaking of the temple of his body”. The religious people that day did not get that. They didn’t understand that he was talking about the temple of his body, because they were about business as usual. It was business as usual that day Jesus showed up at the temple. Animals were being bought and sold. Coins were being changed. All the usual people had their usual places and usual roles. This is one of those stories that we need to set aside a couple of things, things that don’t belong, things that distract, before we can really understand what is happening. We need to set aside what we have often been told or thought this story is about so we can hear it again, maybe for the first time. Please ensure you read the Gospel in full to fully appraise yourself of its content.
Donation button on our website
I recently outlined that the ‘Donation’ function is now up and running on the homepage of our website. Our Webmaster, Mr David Rose, has provided the following link to help with using it: Should any of you wish to make a donation, please consider accessing this function, which is very easy to use and very efficient and quick. My thanks to all who have contributed to date.
St Andrew’s Extraordinary General Meeting – 7th March
I have been asked to give notice that there will be an Extraordinary General Meeting by Zoom, for St Andrew’s congregation today, the 7th of March, in order to approve the new Constitution. This will commence at 1 pm. This will also be announced at the end of the pre-recorded Holy Communion Service on Sunday at 10 am.
St Mary’s Vestry Meeting – 10th March
There will be a Zoom Vestry meeting for St Mary’s Vestry on Wednesday the 10th of March commencing at 7.30 pm. Mr David Rose will circulate the link to all concerned and I will ensure that both the previous minutes and the current Rector’s Report will be with you prior to the meeting. Any apologies please to our Vestry Secretary, Ms Elizabeth Smyth.
A note from our Organist
Again, I would like to promote that St Mary’s Organist, Mr Matthew McVey, has asked me to highlight this once more in today’s Newsletter: “As hymn singing in Churches is currently a ‘no go’, and we are unable to meet together for worship, I am inviting everyone to take part in some ‘virtual hymn singing’. I fully support Matthew in this venture and encourage members of both our congregations and afar to consider joining in. Matthew has very kindly provided his email address should you want to get involved in some way, and he can be contacted at
Diocesan Newsletter
The Diocesan Newsletter is now available and can be accessed via this link:
Services/ Events at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral week commencing Sunday 7th March 2021
Lent Devotional Prayer – 7 pm, live, every evening during Lent via Cn Terry’s Face-book Page
Wednesday 10th March – 7.30 pm, St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral Vestry Meeting
Friday 12th March – 10 am, Pre-Recording for Sunday Broadcast
Sunday 14th March – 10 am, Pre-Recorded Broadcast Holy Communion
“Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we may go to heaven.“
St Rose of Lima
Blessings Always
Rev Canon Terry Taggart