As is the case with all Church establishments, we at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral are reliant on the financial generosity of others, not only to help with our mission and outreach as a religious organisation, but also to assist in the ongoing maintenance of our Church Buildings.
In September 2020, St Mary’s Church at Carden Place Aberdeen became the Pro-Cathedral for the Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney. As a result of this, it became apparent that there would be certain financial implications that would accompany this change in status. It was also clear that our Church Vestry Committee would be busy investigating any streams of grant funding that could be made available to assist with various activities/communications and other matters that came with this new diocesan role.
We are extremely grateful to the ‘AllChurches Trust’, a national organisation who support the repair, restoration, protection and improvement of church buildings, cathedrals and other places of Christian worship, especially where those changes support wider community use. AllChurches Trust also provides funding for projects that support church growth and leadership and share the Christian faith.
St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral has been the recipient of Grant Funding from AllChurches Trust to the tune of £5,515. Some of this funding has gone towards the design and production of the Pro-Cathedral signage, without which it may not have been possible to complete in the time-frame given. The remaining money is held in reserve to go towards a professionally designed and built ‘Peace/Therapy Garden’ at the front of the Church. We are extremely grateful to AllChurches Trust and their continued support for St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral.
Blessings Always
Reverend Canon Terry Taggart
St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral