St Mary’s Magazine – Trinity 2021
Welcome to the Trinity 2021 edition of the St Mary’s Magazine.
This is our second Magazine edition to be published on our website. Please note that there will still be a print version available for those who want one. But now you are here, why not read on?
From the Rectory
As I write this, we have rain and an overcast sky. We must not grumble though, after all, we did have a few days of really nice sunny and hot weather not very long ago. Since our last Magazine, I have been very busy. The status of our Covid awareness regulations seems to change on…
Report from the General Synod
Much business at this year’s General Synod (again on Zoom but this time over two days) was preliminary or ongoing, with no momentous votes. Topics covered included the form of future elections of bishops, bullying and harassment policies, clergy wellbeing (including the very important matter of clergy time off) and of course the perennial discussions…
Jane Haining
At General Synod 2021 Synod approved the inclusion of Jane Haining in the SEC Calendar. This account of her life is taken from the Synod papers: Jane Haining was born in the Borders, lived in Glasgow and felt called as a Church of Scotland Missionary in Budapest, Hungary. Her mission work was caring for Jewish…
Our Favourite Hymns
The Church’s one foundation Is Jesus Christ her Lord She is his new creation By water and the word From Heav’n he came and sought her To be his holy bride With his dear love he bought her And for her life he died. Here’s one of the first hymns we sang in St. Mary’s…
Book Review
Letters to a Diminished Church, Dorothy L. Sayers: Goodness, this could have been written last week, instead of just after the Second World War. Sayers is knowledgeable and witty, and can take us from the Apostles’ Creed to crime fiction to T.S. Eliot with ease and purpose, and you find yourself nodding and agreeing with…