St Mary’s Magazine – Trinity 2022
Welcome to the Trinity 2022 edition of the St Mary’s Magazine.
This is our Sixth Magazine edition to be published on our website. Please note that there will still be a print version available for those who want one. But now you are here, why not read on?
Have a great summer!
General Synod 2023
Editorial bias here makes me include a photograph from this year’s General Synod Provincial Youth presentation! We were well represented at the event, with Rev. Roger Dyer, Rev. Dr. Jenny Holden, Gillian Rose, and Elizabeth Mills all in attendance in various capacities.
From the Rectory
As I begin to write this, the sun is shining outside and it is warm. Someone mentioned to me that he hoped that it would stay like this until October. There’s nothing like being an optimist about the weather, especially in Aberdeen! Well, that was General Synod done for another year. Due to personal reasons,…
The Training of an Ordinand
For those who don’t know me, my name is Godwin Chimara, a second year Ordinand from this our beloved Diocese of Aberdeen & Orkney and training at the Scottish Episcopal Institute (SEI) toward a full-time priestly ministry within the Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC) and the worldwide Anglican Communion. As I am writing this, I have…
From the Gallery at General Synod
This was my first time at General Synod. It was a delight to attend as a Visitor. I experienced it as a kaleidoscope of stimulating encounters that encouraged me greatly as we work together to find God’s way forward for us as Episcopalians in Scotland. Many conversations, both in formal sessions and informally in coffee…
The Great St. Mary’s Bake-Off
Alison, Amy and Liz with their baking certificates after our Bake Off – it raised £51! Thank you to all who organised, baked, bought and ate, and to Iain for the photograph.
After hard-fought competition, ten hymns were selected as winners to be sung last Saturday, with Matthew providing some background information for each hymn. Titles ranged from Christmas carols to Sea Sunday favourites, modern contemplative songs to great processional shouts. Thanks to Matthew and Iain for organising a very enjoyable event, which may well be repeated…
Feeling Artistic?
Would you like to come and help with the church flowers? Learn with us as we try to manage without Oasis! Please contact Nicola Mills if you are interested – help provided if you’re not confident.
Book Review
The Madonna in the Suitcase, by Huberta Hellendoorn This short book is unusually written in the second person, but don’t let that put you off – there’s a good reason! The author’s daughter, Miriam, who had Down Syndrome, suffered a terrible stroke aged forty, and this book is addressed to her, telling her the…