St Mary’s Magazine – Easter 2024
Welcome to the Trinity 2024 edition of the St Mary’s Magazine.
Welcome to the Trinity 2024 edition of the St Mary’s Magazine. Please note that there will still be a print version available for those who want one. But now you are here, why not read on?
We mark anniversaries at birthdays, for weddings, for charities etc. Some of us are big fans of this habit and love these celebrations. Others don’t like a big fuss being made – especially if it would put us in the spotlight. As we approach our 160th Anniversary at St Marys what might we bear in…
Opening Letter
St. Mary’s Carden Place, in its 160th Year As St. Mary’s now enters its seventeenth decade, some might look about and wonder where that decade will take us. For the first time in years we cannot afford a stipend for a new rector. The diocese is in an unhappy state, as we wait to hear…
Sixteen Decades of St. Mary’s
1864 – 1874 St. Mary’s was founded by Rev. F.G. Lee, an ambitious young man who led a number of the congregation of St. John’s away with him to his new charge. He oversaw the building of our church, which already needed a new heating system and roof repairs before it was ten years old…
General Synod 2024
This year’s General Synod was held in Edinburgh a week later than planned, thanks to the arrival of someone called Taylor Swift in the capital. Whether this contributed to the uncharacteristically awful weather it’s hard to tell! As usual, the worship, from the opening Eucharist to the closing prayers, was vibrant and enthusiastic, and in…
Soap / Soup Sunday
Our Soap Sunday in June, where we collected soap, bath and shower gel, toothpaste and other toiletries for those in need, was very well supported, as you can see from the photograph – more was added after this! These were all donated to the Cyrenians. This was followed by our Soup Sunday, with tins and…
Photography Competition
The 2024 Photography Competition started at Easter – why not take a few snaps on yoursummer holidays and give it a go? Not only are there prizes for the top shots,but twelve will be selected for the 2025 St. Mary’s Calendar, on sale inDecember.
“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9 NIV I wonder just how many hearts have, over the years, helped plan the course for St Mary’s? From the above verse from Proverbs 16:9 I would like to draw your attention to “the Lord establishes their steps”. Those words…
St Mary’s Swim Team (not Olympic)
The Olympics will be over by the time you read this. We will have watched humans reaching their highest physical achievements ever and marvelled at their speed, fortitude and courage. Spare a thought for two members of our group who show similar attributes as they brave the North Sea for minutes at a time in…
Social Events
The Italian Night, the Cheese and Wine / Silent Auction (which made £360) and the Ladies’ and Gents’ Evenings were all quite well attended and far too much fun for too much photographic evidence. The Bake Sale brought in £54, and plant sales came to £122. Thanks to all who organised, donated or took part…
Book Review
David Greig, Columba’s Bones: This is the tale of what happened on Iona after a Viking raid wiped out all the monks and other inhabitants, except for one young monk and the widow of the smith and, unexpectedly, one of the Vikings. It’s a witty, coarse and lovely tale by turns, quick to read but…