Many will have now seen that work is underway at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral on our major Repair and Refurbishment programme. The building contractors, Graeme W. Cheyne, began installing scaffolding and carried out the preliminary health and safety and insurance checks in January.
The repairs will focus on the West End Gable and South elevations over the next three months. In both areas the builders will be repairing external stonework and consolidating stonework around the stained-glass windows. The works will also include repairs to the roof areas and overhauling the rainwatergoods – that’s guttering and drainpipes to you and me!
Our Architect, Dave Chouman, is overseeing all the works and is planning that these two phases will be completed by May – if all goes well. Similar repair work will switch to the North elevation around about April/May time and will take a further three months. Please see the Project Board (at the end of the notice) that Dave Chouman has created for the project which will be installed on the scaffolding soon.
Our Architect and Builders are hoping to have a limited impact on our normal church activities. Please keep an eye on our newsletter for updates on any access or car parking issues.
This major repair and refurbishment programme has been made possible through the generous grant support of the following bodies: The Provincial Building Grant Fund, the Anderson Trust and Viridor Credits.
Update on damaged rose window in the North elevation.
Our Architect, Dave Chouman, has assisted us to obtain quotations for the access and repair of the damaged windows. Our Treasurer and members of the Building Committee have been in touch with our insurers with estimates and we are in communications on their follow-up questions. Hopefully, we’ll be able to proceed with the repairs soon. It is expected the repair works will take a few months.